“The Legacy of KA-BAR”

Jan 1, 2009
This morning I woke to roughly 20” of snow, 17degrees F, and 40 mile per hour winds.
Not wanting to charge out the door, I made coffee, sat & scoured the interwebs for knife related info.

I was actually looking for something else, when I stumbled upon the KA-BAR site. Thankfully the search engine probably has grooves worn in its digital road, that led me to it. But this time it took me to someplace different,

I landed on the State & Union area of the website. And there it was! The most completely stunning rendition of a Navy Mark 1 knife I had ever seen.
Black blade, Black, dyed stacked leather handle, full sized guard, and a wonderfully finished pommel. Absolutely stunning, almost raw in its presentation.

It’s no secret I am a fan of KA-BAR knives. I still use and love my Dog’s Head heavily.
But what inspired me to write this is not my love for this beautifully assembled knife,
It was the video posted above the knife.

It was apparently the CEO of KA-BAR, John Stitt.
He was talking about the loss of skilll that has appeared through attrition.
I can sympathize with that, as it is happening all across this nation as out top tier craftsmen (and craftswomen) age out. In my industry. We call it brain drain.
That painful loss of knowledge that occurs when a generation simultaneously ages out, and is replaced by new technologies.

This CEO, all inked up in rolled up cuffs was impressive.
He didn’t seem to be in love with himself as many CEOs are.

I freaking love this guy.
He looks like a street brawler.
He is intelligent yet humble.
I absolutely loved his solution to his brain drain dilemma.
He was not touting some new state of the art CNC purchase to off set it.
Rather he bought a grinder.
It may be all marketing, and if it is, so be it I was completely sucked into it.

Or, it may be this man has a true passion for Knives, knife makers, and indeed for KA-BAR.
This is the best knife related video I have ever watched, period!

What a pleasant surprise.
I’d work for this guy in a heartbeat!
It is great to see simple Americans grab the bull by the horns.

I have simple purchasing criteria. America First!
Followed closely by Canada and then the Nordic countries
After that, it is anyone who isn’t actively seeking to blow us up.

Needless to say, I was sad to see these sweet blades were out of stock.

It is downright refreshing to see this type of mindset in an American Knife company.

Cheers John and good luck sir.


To Quote Mr. Spock,

May the KA-BAR legacy “Live Long and Prosper”

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I have met and talked with John, Joe, and a couple others at the KaBar booth at Blade in the past, and they all seemed like good folks.
I loved the look of that Mk1 when they posted it on FB, but hesitate to buy it because the the handle on the standard one is about 1/2" shorter than is comfortable and while i have seriously considered modding the stock model (either by slimming the pommel or removing it and replacing it with an extended one) I wouldn't be willing to do that with the S&U version, so it'd just sit.
Good post, thanks for sharing.

I also enjoyed the video, and Ka-Bar products. The folders they put out never appealed to me, but I hope that may change soon.

It is important to keep these brands alive and I am glad to see them steering a division of the company in this direction.