
OTF knives are prohibited in Canada. Along with switchblades, gravity knives and balisongs. Don't try to buy one, have one mailed in, bring one in your luggage. It's not worth it.
You are probably also familiar with dealing with city law as well as national laws, so I would recommend doing some research into the city and province you plan to be in, and see what will be legal to carry. Once you have a good idea, then choose something that is within your style from there. Also keep in mind that carry of a knife for the purposes of self defence is not legal in Canada, but you can carry one for purposes like food preparation, first aid, or other normal tasks. I know it can be difficult to change habits, but you may also discover something new that you enjoy while you are in Canada.
加拿大有严格的刀具法。 OTF 是非法的。你应该把它留在家里。还请大家用英文写。谢谢。
Also, welcome to the forum, the Canada sub-forum will have a lot of threads about various cities if you have not already looked there.