7 blades on the bench - ( Knives and sheath now finished )

Scott Hanson

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Sep 6, 2014
Found some shop time this week and I got 7 blades cut out and 2 blades ground. 2 more are going to be Randall first made replicas for some facebook customers and the other 5 are going to be 4 inch drop point hunters. 3 of the drop point hunters are going to have Randall 27 model handle pattern for a friend that lives up north. The last 2 drop point hunters IMG_3971.jpegare going to have Scagel style handles.
Those look great Scott, I really like the profile of your Drop points. Looking forward to watching these.
Just got all seven knives finished up today with some quick photos. The knives still need a final buffing and sharpening, but before that, I have to get the sheaths made, those will be coming next.
