940 Pivot wiggle...


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Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
May 3, 2012
I've sent in an email to BM requesting a new pivot screw, so that I can carry my 940 without the blade coming loose... it's been a few days, and of course I'm pretty impatient :p I know their website says that they will not ship scales or inlays or such, but no mention of pivot screws. Since I'm in Canada, I don't really want to give up my knife to customs for a few months while trying to send it in, as has happened to myself as well as friends before. SO, aside all that...

Does anyone know of any good fixes for 940 pivot wiggle other than loctite? I've heard Teflon tape works wonderfully, although the screw for the 940 is tiny... I'd love to carry this knife more often, and depend on it; it's one of my very favorites. If anyone has had any similar experiences, I'd like to hear about how you dealt with it!

As an aside, none of my other BM knives have this issue...
I'd dab a Q-Tip in rubbing alcohol to act as a degreaser, then "screw" an end of the Q-Tip down into pivot with the screw removed -- repeat until you feel you've de-gunked it. Use more Q-Tips and rubbing alcohol and do the same with the screw itself. Allow to dry. Then use blue Loc-Tite #222 very sparing on only the bottom half of the screw threads (the half that's furthest away from the pan head of the screw). Screw it into the pivot, adjusting forward and backward for the perfect tension you're looking for. Then allow it to set and bond overnight. You won't have any further "backing out" issues, and you can always unscrew and start from scratch down the line for re-tensioning as the washers wear, or for cleaning, etc.

Teflon tape works pretty well. I use that method on almost all my knives, regardless of wiggle or not. Even though the screw is small, it works pretty well.
I'm a little hesitant to try the loctite, my poor Delica 4 hasn't been the same since I used a little much... I'll probably try out the tape, just need to get some now.
I'd dab a Q-Tip in rubbing alcohol to act as a degreaser, then "screw" an end of the Q-Tip down into pivot with the screw removed -- repeat until you feel you've de-gunked it. Use more Q-Tips and rubbing alcohol and do the same with the screw itself. Allow to dry. Then use blue Loc-Tite #222 very sparing on only the bottom half of the screw threads (the half that's furthest away from the pan head of the screw). Screw it into the pivot, adjusting forward and backward for the perfect tension you're looking for. Then allow it to set and bond overnight. You won't have any further "backing out" issues, and you can always unscrew and start from scratch down the line for re-tensioning as the washers wear, or for cleaning, etc.

What the Professor said: just make sure you use BLUE, not GREEN and never RED. Some will offer that following the procedure for cleaning and prep above, clear nail polish works, but like Loc-Tite use only a drop or two.

Replacing the pivot will most likely not solve the problem, BTW...and oh yeah, never mind plumber's tape...wrapping the threads with waxed dental floss can work also!
I've requested a pivot screw from them before (stripped the head on one of my mini-Grips), and they did send one, plus a full set of handle screws. So, they will send them.
Sounds good. Benchmade has a habit of surprising us by sending things when we expect they won't. But then they also surprise again when we DO send knives up for service and they opt to replace washers, pivots, springs and the like. They come across like we really do count as customers...which is hard to believe huh? :rolleyes:
If you have kids you can probably throw in a fresh booger, I don't know how long they take to set, but they end up set like stone.
What the Professor said: just make sure you use BLUE, not GREEN and never RED. Some will offer that following the procedure for cleaning and prep above, clear nail polish works, but like Loc-Tite use only a drop or two.

Replacing the pivot will most likely not solve the problem, BTW...and oh yeah, never mind plumber's tape...wrapping the threads with waxed dental floss can work also!

I've tried the Teflon tape, it made the pivot way too stiff to open comfortably. I may have to try loctite after all... Dental floss sounds interesting though.

I've requested a pivot screw from them before (stripped the head on one of my mini-Grips), and they did send one, plus a full set of handle screws. So, they will send them.

A new set of handle screws would be awesome as well... I hope they do send a new pivot, although no response from them yet. How long did it take them to respond to you?
If you have kids you can probably throw in a fresh booger, I don't know how long they take to set, but they end up set like stone.

This is some pretty sound advice... :thumbup:
What Joe and Professor wrote, with emphasis on not overusing the BLUE and letting it cure properly before using it. :thumbup:

I've never had any luck with plumbers tape, probably operator error... :(
What the Professor said: just make sure you use BLUE, not GREEN and never RED. Some will offer that following the procedure for cleaning and prep above, clear nail polish works, but like Loc-Tite use only a drop or two.

Replacing the pivot will most likely not solve the problem, BTW...and oh yeah, never mind plumber's tape...wrapping the threads with waxed dental floss can work also!
A new set of handle screws would be awesome as well... I hope they do send a new pivot, although no response from them yet. How long did it take them to respond to you?
Email can take a while. Call them and the response is very fast.
I have had great luck using plumbers tape. I'll put a couple wraps on the threads clock wise, so that when you tighten the screw the plumbers tape only gets tighter on the threads and stays put. It works well for me. I've used it on 4 of my axis lock BM's, and none have backed out since using it. I've been able to adjust the pivot so that opening and close is smooth as butter, with solid lock up and no play in any direction on any of them.
Feel free to drop our Product Services team an email regarding parts requests. repair@benchmade.com If there is something specific you are looking for we may be able to send it out to you. There are great group of folks and I am proud to have worked with them, the worst thing they can say is no =). Please note that we will not send out liners, springs, handles, blades, or other internal components.
Feel free to drop our Product Services team an email regarding parts requests. repair@benchmade.com If there is something specific you are looking for we may be able to send it out to you. There are great group of folks and I am proud to have worked with them, the worst thing they can say is no =). Please note that we will not send out liners, springs, handles, blades, or other internal components.

Thanks for the alternate email! I'm going to assume 'or other internal components' doesn't include pivot or handle screws, and send out an email right away. :D
My 940 does the same thing, rock solid lockup and after a few days of carrying it loosens up. I put blue locktite on it and seems to be working. ... for now
I was able to not only cure a a loose pivot but also a blade that wasn't centered. The trick like mentioned is to allow the blue loktite to settle and cure overnight.
I should give this a try. I've never carried my 940 much since I can't find my usual axis lock happy medium between speed of opening and solid lock up. I leave it with speedy opening, but it's left with lots of blade play.