Pre Order A dozen sheaths for CPK UF2


Nose to the Grindstone
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Dec 5, 2005
Hello good people;

based on my other informal thread to gauge interest in a leather UF2 sheath, I think I'm most of the way to my target of around 10 sheaths. So I'm going to get started on a batch this coming weekend.

The price for a basic sheath will be $175. That will not include attachments, such as clips or Teclocs, or a dyed finish. Dyeing a sheath will cost an extra $15, because the way I do it is quite time consuming and an extra pain in my ass. Shipping from Canada will incur another $25.

These sheaths are compatible with most of the aftermarket clips and attachments. It can be carried IWB, in your pocket, on your belt or on your molle outfitted gear. The sheath will come with a removable safety strap which will hold the knife dependably, and a few black oxide chicago screws.

Although this sheath is designed to be ambidextrous, I can still accommodate you left handed beauties by stamping the sheath on the opposite side.

The batch of sheaths will all be the same and look more or less like the one pictured, but of course there will be variations due to the hide and how the wax is taken up. I carve the sheaths from the best parts of the hide, but there will be variations in finish, thickness and stiffness that I can't totally control.



If you have questions, please ask them in this thread. I want to keep this thread nice and clean, so if you ask your question here, I'll move it to the other thread and answer it there.

I'll be cutting this off at 12 sheaths total, so if you're interested post here or send me a PM.

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If you have spots still open, I'll happily take one.

(Have a couple of questions though - which I'll take to the other thread.)
If you have spots still open, I'll happily take one.

(Have a couple of questions though - which I'll take to the other thread.)
I do and you're on!
new information and photos/video added to OP
awesome! We're getting pretty close to the number I had in my head for starting to cut leather.

I screwed around with inventing a mechanical retention system yesterday a bit, and squared my shop up today. So, unless I take off into the forest tomorrow, I expect I'll figure out the strap thing and have complete photos of what this sheath will look like with different attachments mounted to it, and the strap system.
hey, good evening gents- a little status update on this project;

I tried a few different ways to put a keeper strap together for this sheath, and decided that I need some material which I don't have. So, that stuff has been ordered and once it's here and I can make it work, I'll start cutting leather.

Sorry for the delay, but it's really important to me that I get this right. Not interested in working with materials that aren't good enough, these things need to be the best that they can be, and that means the right material for the job.

hello and hope you all had good weekends.

I messed around for a little while last night and today. I think I have the secondary retention system figured out- more than less. It's funny, but when I started out I had all these elaborate mechanisms in mind that would involve different bolt on panels, wet molded leather and just generally pretty complicated fixes to a super basic problem. The final solution is a 'less is more' type of approach, which adds negligible weight to the overall package, no real additional dimensional changes either, and a completely universal situation which makes for something that anyone with hands can use in exactly the same way.

If you do not have hands, I recommend saving your money for something more useful to you than this sheath.

The material I chose for the strap is working out perfectly so far, and I'll be testing it over the next week. Once the week is over, this preorder will be closed and I'll begin this batch of sheaths. There are currently 5 available spaces, so if you want to get in on this now's the time to do it. I'll be concentrating all my effort on this run, leaving other projects aside, so it won't take very long.

I'll be able to replicate this sheath for future one off orders, but the price will be higher and it'll take some time to build since I'll have a lot of knife making to catch up on.

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hey you beauties-
I just read all the forum rules very carefully tonight and discovered that I can't be doing a preorder. So, there won't be any deposits required and we can all just consider this a 'right of first refusal' thread.

The first dozen folks who post an interest in getting one of these, in this thread, will get their dibs in first and I will honour that. By my count there are seven of you so far and you're locked.

If you decide to take a pass, totally your call.

When the sheaths are complete and ready to ship, I'll make a post or otherwise connect with you guys to see where you're at, and if you're still on board I'll send you a Paypal invoice and get you your goods.

I don't like the idea of doing preorders AT ALL, so this is all fine with me. I'd rather risk sitting on inventory than sitting on your money while you wait for something which literally does not yet exist. And won't, unless I make it. If there's anything I learned over the past fifty years it's that shit goes sideways all the time, and why compound any sideways shittines if you don't have to?

I had no idea that BF prohibits pre-orders - might change a lot of things for various makers here.

Regardless, my commitment still stands. I'm looking forward to a Lorien sheath.