Photos A Walk in Nature

The Shoe Goo reinforced tip is working out very well on the walking stick called Walker.
"I may have to try that method. I have some other ideas in mind for reinforcing the tips, but I have been so busy lately that I haven’t had time to go to nosing around hardware stores looking for stuff."

I buy ends and pieces of copper pipe at the hardware store in various sizes and inlet them into the tip of the stick. A reasonably priced tubing cutter gets you a piece the right size off your stock.
I am thinking of making a "micarta" spacer out of some parachute cloth I have from my days in the Argentine army some 34 years ago.
So… you were one of what those of us with enough sense not to jump out of perfectly good airplanes used to refer to as “aéro-larguables” 🤣

I got a new toy in the mail today which I think is appropriate to post here:


Very lightweight, with a very thin and flexible blade. Cuts on the pull-stroke, and VERY efficient :thumbsup::cool:
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Gnarly, dude… :cool:

I may have to try that method. I have some other ideas in mind for reinforcing the tips, but I have been so busy lately that I haven’t had time to go to nosing around hardware stores looking for stuff.

Beautiful job on the hatchet handle!!!!!

I couldn’t resist liberating this interesting bit from a fallen beech branch yesterday:

Another project I don’t have time for, I guess…
Thanks for your kind words Tom. I'm enjoying the project a lot. It is one of three I've been refreshing this winter.
That Beech deadfall looks to be a fine candidate. I look forward to seeing results.
"I may have to try that method. I have some other ideas in mind for reinforcing the tips, but I have been so busy lately that I haven’t had time to go to nosing around hardware stores looking for stuff."

I buy ends and pieces of copper pipe at the hardware store in various sizes and inlet them into the tip of the stick. A reasonably priced tubing cutter gets you a piece the right size off your stock.
I'm still trying to get a handle on this multi-quote thing. In the meantime, please forgive my multiple separate responses.

I have checked out the rigid copper tip idea and wished to try it. However, I've been unable to locate a local source for scraps, and at the home improvement store prices for copper, I think I'll stick with the Shoe Goo. Remember though, the trick to applying it smoothly is to use an ice cube to smooth it out. Also, I put on three lighter applications at two hour intervals as opposed to one heavy application.
So… you were one of what those of us with enough sense not to jump out of perfectly good airplanes used to refer to as “aéro-larguables” 🤣

I got a new toy in the mail today which I think is appropriate to post here:


Very lightweight, with a very thin and flexible blade. Cuts on the pull-stroke, and VERY efficient :thumbsup::cool:

Love...absolutely love...Japanese saws...especially the pull kind...
So… you were one of what those of us with enough sense not to jump out of perfectly good airplanes used to refer to as “aéro-larguables” 🤣

LOL, yeap :cool:🪂 , google translated "aéro-larguables" as "air-droppable" :D
I was conscripted and did not go voluntarily into the army however once in it my biggest fear and anxiety was failing the course and NOT being able to jump.
Since I was a young child I had always wanted to fly and jump out of an airplane and this was my chance.
Failing the course or refusing to jump meant being sent to another company to do chores all day like cooking and cleaning etc which was also seen as humiliating.
"What if I fail the course, what if I don't pass the physical, what if freeze right at the door and can't jump ? "
The anxiety was very real for that young man so long ago.

I've shared these pics before, but hey since you asked 😁
Moments after the first jump.

I was then very fortunate to pursue hang-gliding for a few years in Canada and the USA.

When I learned that my dear wife was expecting our first child I quit it all and settled down :)

Beautiful views of Lookout Mountain, Georgia

Knife content:
I always carried a hook knife in case of emergency to cut the webbing and straps :)
What a way to "See Rock CIty"

Yes, unforgettable experience !

A few times I was able to launch at the ramp in Georgia and follow the ridge for about 16 miles all the way to the point overlooking Chattanooga TN.

On one occasion the wind and thermals died down as I was circling above the point.
I had no option that day but to glide across the interstate and the Chattanooga river and land on the grounds of the Psych hospital on the other side.

A couple of security guards came around on a golf cart and were actually quite nice allowing me to go inside to call my wife at work who came to pick me up :)
( how did we ever managed without cell phones lol )


If I leave from home and walk around this lake, it’s about a nine mile round trip. Today I didn’t have 3 hours to invest, so I just drove to the park. My new saw made short work of a fallen limb, giving me a nice stick to walk around the lake with. I took detours around some outdoor- and history-education camps in the area:

Back near the car, I found a nice beech branch that had been snapped off by a falling tree, so I guess I wound up with two new sticks today… (sorry no pictures)

I broke my saw in the process of cutting the beech stick:

No problem, though. I had been considering shortening the handle anyway:


Even shortened, it cuts way better than the saw on an SAK. I just have to be careful since it is so thin.

I made a detour to the hardware store on the way home from the park. Chair leg protectors seem to work well as walking stick tips:
No snow here on this 46°F day of March 4. I saw chipmunks running around the yard and geese flying north.

AND apparently I can't post more photos on BF :eek: Too many "attachments" already. Wow - how far back do I need to go to clear that up? :(
No snow here on this 46°F day of March 4. I saw chipmunks running around the yard and geese flying north.

AND apparently I can't post more photos on BF :eek: Too many "attachments" already. Wow - how far back do I need to go to clear that up? :(
It should be around that temperature here later in the week, but we're in a cold stretch right now. High of 4°F today.
CelloDan CelloDan & OTHERS - as this thread is a very photo loaded thread you guys might soon be alerted that you can no longer post images as you are over your ATTACHMENTS quota. As I understand it this ONLY APPLIES to those of us who post directly from their device. If you use a photo hosting site such as IMGUR this will not affect you. ( I think that is accurate info.)

ME? 118 pages of attachments nearly 3,000 photos since 2017. Lots and lots of history to delete. 🥵

No time for walking in nature. Hope I can come back soon to share. :(
CelloDan CelloDan & OTHERS - as this thread is a very photo loaded thread you guys might soon be alerted that you can no longer post images as you are over your ATTACHMENTS quota. As I understand it this ONLY APPLIES to those of us who post directly from their device. If you use a photo hosting site such as IMGUR this will not affect you. ( I think that is accurate info.)

ME? 118 pages of attachments nearly 3,000 photos since 2017. Lots and lots of history to delete. 🥵

No time for walking in nature. Hope I can come back soon to share. :(

Hi Ray, don’t delete anything yet.
I saw this thread earlier today
Check it out,

Thread 'Attachment issues'
Yeah - but I don't want to use an image hosting site and I don't need 10 years of photos on BF. Sorry to sideline this thread but I thought some folks would need to know. I understand you do use a host site Dan so good for you. You would have hours of work ahead of you. I don't see how we will not end up deleting. :(

ALTHOUGH - Spark is saying hold off with deleting. Seems I am "grandfathered". There may be options coming soon. Still, I don't think my image posting will be able to continue as in the past. I really had no idea of how out of control my posting photos has been. :oops:
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Took a little walk in the uplands yesterday, mostly through open fields.



Where I found an Esee tree patiently awaiting the start of spring.


Venturing into the edges of some woods for just a bit...


I stayed on easy, well traveled paths...


...and discovered a Red Swiss Army Rock.


Later, with the saw blade from my Hiker, I freed a 15' Maple pinned under another tree that had fallen on it.
(Sorry, no pics of the tree release, but it did happen. :p)

Overall, it was a quiet, beautiful day. 🌤️


Thankfully, without a glimpse, sound or smell of Sasquatch anywhere throughout the entire day.

Have a Wonder Wednesday, nature aficionados!
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If I leave from home and walk around this lake, it’s about a nine mile round trip. Today I didn’t have 3 hours to invest, so I just drove to the park. My new saw made short work of a fallen limb, giving me a nice stick to walk around the lake with. I took detours around some outdoor- and history-education camps in the area:

Back near the car, I found a nice beech branch that had been snapped off by a falling tree, so I guess I wound up with two new sticks today… (sorry no pictures)

I broke my saw in the process of cutting the beech stick:

No problem, though. I had been considering shortening the handle anyway:


Even shortened, it cuts way better than the saw on an SAK. I just have to be careful since it is so thin.

I made a detour to the hardware store on the way home from the park. Chair leg protectors seem to work well as walking stick tips:
A sort walk around a lake is still better than a walk about town Tom. Bummer about the saw blade, but I see you made some lemonade there. Two thumbs up on that. Keep those sticks a comin'... love that Sycamore. Have you ever noticed that Sycamore looks as beautiful as a stick, as it does against the blue skies?
I would have welcomed a hint or more of a Sasquatch redsparrow redsparrow ;) But then I've been abducted by aliens already. Heck I even travelled with CelloDan CelloDan in the wilds of the Rideau Canal for a week. What is there to fear? All new friends. :)

Nice walk about, notwithstanding the lack of "other normal" contact. :cool:
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