Achievement Unlocked: Find Someone Crazy Enough To Sell Me Their REK Knives Sparrow.


Dealer / Materials Provider
Mar 26, 2018
Where to start.... I've been on the hunt for a REK Knives Sparrow with flint knapped scales since they were released about a year ago. I entered the most recent lotto, but unfortunately wasn't drawn. A few days later and I'm browsing Reddit and what do I see posted for sale!? The very knife I had entered the lotto to purchase! Come to papa!

The knife arrived in a gorgeous, custom, garment-grade, bison leather wrap. Super supple!


Let me be frank. The knife wasn't cheap... and because of that (and my prior experiences with Josh of REK Knives REK Knives ), I had very high expectations for this knife. So high in fact, that I was a little worried I was setting myself up for disappointment. Well, I shouldn't have been concerned. The knife is absolutely incredible. The blade is M390 steel with an impeccable satin finish, and is running on phosphor-bronze washers. I've never felt washers this smooth though. It's like glass! The scales are very, very well done. I love that the pattern is completely unique! If you compare it to the previous Maker's Choice Sparrow, the pattern is completely different. :)

The lockup is as perfect as perfect gets. Zero blade play when opened or closed. Zero detent lash. Perfect centering. Perfect grind. Lots of blade in a tiny package! The jimping is excellent. It raised slightly higher than the scales so that it is useful when the blade is open, without having to extend the jimping into the scales (I hate that).

Speaking of the detent... The location of it is awesome! It's set higher on the knife than most (all?) knives I own. Because of this, there is no "hump" to get over when you close the knife, and no lash that detent ramps can sometimes cause.

I really can't say enough good things about this knife! If you ever get a chance to pick one up, I highly, HIGHLY recommend you do so! It's going to be a feeding frenzy when the mid-tech version of these are released!!!




And of course, a quick video showing off the fit and finish and action of the knife!

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That thing is gorgeous.

Neutral handle, yet artistic.

Beautiful blade profile that is also highly functional.

Fantastic grind.

Long clip, which I prefer.

Just and all around awesome blade.

Oh man…. The clip. How did I forget the clip!? It’s a work of art. Not only is it easy to see the skill and workmanship that went into it, but it is sooo functional! A lot of knife designers should take some notes about the clip on the Sparrow. It places the knife in the perfect position in the pocket, has the perfect amount of retention, doesn’t snag, and doesn’t mess with the ergonomics of the knife. In fact, it helps lock the knife in your hand. And probably most importantly, it doesn’t press against the lockbar.

Thanks so much for the feedback and kind words Brian, I'll look forward to your future use and feedback!!

Oh and by way of clarification, Coleman didn't make that wrap... He makes the awesome squeeze sheath that I sold with the other Sparrow. 😉
Thanks so much for the feedback and kind words Brian, I'll look forward to your future use and feedback!!

Oh and by way of clarification, Coleman didn't make that wrap... He makes the awesome squeeze sheath that I sold with the other Sparrow. 😉

For sure man! Thanks for producing one heck of a knife for us to enjoy!

Ahhh, my mistake! I must’ve read the lotto info wrong, lol. I’ll fix that!