Aggro Moderator

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So you think what RYP said was polite, classy, and/or pleasant? Please.

You know, normally I don't like the "go work on your reading comprehension skills" retort...
But dude, you do need to work on your reading comprehension skills if that's what you're getting out of it.
This is getting weird.
You know, normally I don't like the "go work on your reading comprehension skills" retort...
But dude, you do need to work on your reading comprehension skills if that's what you're getting out of it.
This is getting weird.

Quite ironic.

By the way, if you have to have THAT explained too, I would be more than happy to.
Alright. Everybody here call a bitching truce. These are just words on an internet forum.
It seems like everyone is trying to be offended at this point. A bunch of old ladies in a hair salon have nothing on you guys.
Alright. Everybody here call a bitching truce. These are just words on an internet forum.
It seems like everyone is trying to be offended at this point. A bunch of old ladies in a hair salon have nothing on you guys.

Most likely because we are all as bored as old ladies in a hair salon right now :D
i like snot bubbles. Emmitt Smith once told me that was his favorite part of playing football. Watching the snot bubbles come out of a 300lb guy he just hammered. I like them too.

But conflict is good, brings out the best and worst in us.

If we all agreed on this forum it would be kinda dull. Internet snot bubbles hurt a lot less than real ones.
I hate to say it brother 'cuz I respect a self confident man, but there comes a time to put down the shovel and climb outta' the hole. Just sayin'
Pelton, I appreciate the response. I've never met you however I do respect you. I have read some of your work and seen some of your videos. It's interesting and also enlightening. You also designed a very nice knife in the HEST. You are spot on about dealing with facts. The problem with the internet is that so much is lost in translation from written words to an individuals perception. All you're left with is an opinion.

I was on the list for a serialized folder, #198 sterile if my memory holds. I had to drop out months ago due to the economy. I closed my business down. Just happened to be building speculative real-estate. So I have no dog in this fight but I still like to keep up on your company and the new product. The problem with coming here is the drama involved in this forum. I'm sure my earlier comment is incorrect. Hell, I'll even apologize for making it. While I don't agree with the whiners jumping up and down about waiting an extra 30 days I do think some understanding on your part would go a long way in calming down the minions that hang on your every word. This isn't about not hurting people's feelings. I could careless about the sensitive types who are easily offended.

Carry on bro. I don't even know why I got involved in this mess to begin with.
Hey, I'm not trying to start a flame war with you or disrespect you in any way brother. In fact I have the utmost respect for you and your accomplishments. Just take a deep breath and let it go is all I'm saying. The more you react to jabs and barbs over this the more that folks are gonna push and at the end of the day is it worth the elevated blood pressure and stress? Haters are gonna hate and that's the way it is. Raging against the machine ain't gonna cure it, level heads will brother. You have a strong support system here, use it to your advantage.
The whole concept of allowing makers and manufacturers to have a "free forum" is so they can interact with their customers and exchange ideas and feedback on the product. Is it not a place where you are free from the rules of the forum that are in place site wide. The job of a moderator is to be the voice of reason and to prevent overall disruption of the forum with causing a disruption themselves. Courtesy and respect go along way with potential customers and current customers alike. When a moderator (and you only have mod status because you are a rep of the manufacturer) presents himself in a manner that is not in line with what we the Supers or Admin have striven towards we will, in private, bring it to their attention. We do not air it out in public. But it seems that RYP feels he has been slighted and has decided to take it to the masses. Wrong move and not acceptable. What happens between mods stays between mods.

I did not call him a bad moderator. I called his reaction towards a customer less than acceptable and contrary to what is required of the mods of this forum. We do not care how he may run things on his other forum and how he interacts with its members. It is of no matter to BFC. What does matter is that he respects the rules of this forum and the way it's moderators are expected to behave when interacting with its members.

With that said this thread is locked. Any discussion henceforth will be between RYP and the Supers or Admin.
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