Albers Cutlery Company

I believe the number of knives is just far too large GPO MAN GPO MAN . It would quickly get out of hand. Not to mention that the process would have to involve BF admin, and it would probably turn toxic just like the Forum knife process.

My idea was that Eric simply hold back a handful of knives, say three to five, from each run and offer them to us from his list. We would order it in the same manner as everyone else from his website, and it would be mailed in the same way.
I believe the number of knives is just far too large GPO MAN GPO MAN . It would quickly get out of hand. Not to mention that the process would have to involve BF admin, and it would probably turn toxic just like the Forum knife process.

My idea was that Eric simply hold back a handful of knives, say three to five, from each run and offer them to us from his list. We would order it in the same manner as everyone else from his website, and it would be mailed in the same way.

An SFO would be small, like 50 knives, maybe lottery style. Not a bad idea though, what you are suggesting.
There really is no “code” to break and it doesn’t really have anything to do with being tech savvy. All it takes is what I said above. Sometimes taking the time to observe (instead of racing to buy) will yield better results in the long run.

Unannounced drops are a different story. The tech savvy will come out on top of those every time. The current method puts everyone on a level playing field imo. If some people can figure it out, in theory, everyone should be able to.

As a side note, I was planning on sitting the remaining lambs foot drops out and waiting for different patterns before buying again. The springbok was too unique for me to pass up, however. When I sold my snakewood lambs foot, I picked someone from this thread who said that he never has luck with these drops. If I sell another, I plan on doing it the same way. Maybe that’s how they should be resold instead of on the BST?
P pork , your advice is very good, thanks. However, on the last two drops, I was not able to even see the knives much less check out. It went from nothing in stock to sold out in what seemed like seconds. No chance at all. That has never happened to me before on any drop.

Like you, I have also started directly contacting members who have expressed interest in a particular knife that I decided to sell. I much prefer that to the Exchange where the good stuff is almost immediately scooped up by a handful of people who otherwise do not participate in the Forum. I hate to say it, but there appears to be some cyber wizardry going on at the Exchange as well. I used to have fun and some success shopping there, but not any more.

Anyway, enough about these frustrations. Eric makes beautiful knives, and I am glad he so so successful.

P pork , if you decide to sell the Springbok, please shoot me a line. Same for anyone else who might make that decision.
Unannounced drops are a different story. The tech savvy will come out on top of those every time. The current method puts everyone on a level playing field imo. If some people can figure it out, in theory, everyone should be able to.
I must have been the exception. The only two times I was able to get one of Eric’s knives has been on unannounced drops. Tech savvy had nothing to do with it. Observation did. I noticed that on days when I thought he was going to drop the catalog page would go blank. I figured out that a drop was imminent, It was. Both times I scored one using PayPal and was able to return to the site and buy another before they sold out. Since I bought two with separate orders he refunded the shipping fee on the second one each time.
I must have been the exception. The only two times I was able to get one of Eric’s knives has been on unannounced drops. Tech savvy had nothing to do with it. Observation did. I noticed that on days when I thought he was going to drop the catalog page would go blank. I figured out that a drop was imminent, It was. Both times I scored one using PayPal and was able to return to the site and buy another before they sold out. Since I bought two with separate orders he refunded the shipping fee on the second one each time.
You’re not necessarily the exception. It might be a case that Albers customers don’t know the about tech like page monitors.
You’re not necessarily the exception. It might be a case that Albers customers don’t know the about tech like page monitors.
I don’t know what a page monitor is now and I didn’t know then. 🤷
Can we have some photos of some knives. Don't want the thread closed with all this talk about purchasing.

Like many others here, I can commiserate with your frustration. If you feel you are playing on an uneven field, your perception would be 100% correct. Luck is a big part, of course, as is being in the right place at the right time, but there is also a level of technical acumen that is brought to bear on coveted drops. The typical collector/enthusiast isn't going to be competing with such things unless their luck can overcome the science.

That said, don't be discouraged. I have a very modest assortment of Eric's craft. I acquired one on the secondary, one was a very lucky score on a release, and the last was an offering from a kind member here. I am not chasing the drops but I am still enthusiastic over Eric's knives. They are worth whatever effort you are willing to put into acquiring them.

(For the record, if Eric makes a Lamb with Stag, I will likely join the chase again.)


I like the wood one best.❤️
I was incredibly fortunate to score on a couple of drops in the past, and have probably used up my alloted "drop karma" for this lifetime. But, even if I'm never that lucky again, I'll still be a happy guy...

That corn husk raffir is right up there at top with blue rope bone for grail knives :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
The burl is pretty nifty too :)