And the winner is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bobby Branton

Dec 12, 1998

My wife and I finally narrowed it down to 4 finalist. They were all thinking along the same lines. We were forced to put the final four names in a hat and draw a winner.
Here are few of the things that we have tried .
Cowboy action shoots
Black powder shoots
Boy Scout troop demos
Charity Throws
Knife Throwing Seminars
TV appearances
Renaissance festivals
Outdoors shows
Adult education courses
Timber festivals
Knife shows(Blade Show)
MTV video (Harry K.McEvoy)
American Shooter (called them and they were only interested in shooting and archery)
We are hitting all of the right places. The problem we are having is getting more people active enough to form small clubs and to start on a local level. As it stands now we have only a handful of leaders who are trying to spread the word. We cannot be everywhere at once so we need more folks to get involved and help spread the word in a positive and safe manner. I for one am just as guilty. In my efforts to promote this sport on a national and international level I have forgotten the locals in my area. Every member should have a group formed in their city,town or state. You can get together once a month to throw. All we have to do is make time for it.
Oh Yeah, I guess you want to know who the winner is? The winner is CRAYOLA.
I will contact him and set up a time to send him his new knife. I want to thank all of you again who participated. This will not be the last knife give a way.

Bobby Branton

AKTI member #1000
President South Carolina Association of Knifemakers
President American Knife Throwers Alliance
I won a knife, I wone a knife, I WON A KNIFE!!!!!! Yehaw!!!! I think I'll spend the rest of the day building one of thise rotating wheels so I can tie my girlfrined to it and... well, maybe I had better practice up a bit before I begin construction on the target wheel. But when it is done, everyone is invited to my house!

Thank-you so much for the opportunity to win a fabulous knife. Knife throwing has won my support!

"Come What May..."
Great job by everyone for the input. I know this info will be used to validate our current efforts in promoting the sport. Bobby is dead on though with the local and regional activity target. We just need to get those four or five person clubs started and the others will come.

Congrats to our northern neighbor in winning some quality American throwing steel.

The Sticking Point