Attention Another Monster Ceremonial Drawing. It's time.


Dec 19, 2012
Ms Yangdu told me she's ready to offer up the latest Ceremonial Knife (I chuckle calling it a knife) Monster sword or khukri might be more appropriate.
She will post some pictures here soon.
As I recall these are in the 40" range and I forget the weight but they are a chunk. Serious cutting machines.

So again here's the deal.
Chances (we won't use the word raffle here or on Paypal when you purchase chances, they don't like that word for some reason). But they will be 25 bucks each.
Due to cost increases in Nepal with additional shipping etc she needs to sell 84 tickets.

Last time it went really fast, a couple folks bought a lot of chances at one time. Hoping it goes quickly once again. That being said we'll go till 84 chances are sold.

Just email here with how many chances your buying. I'll keep a tally and will confirm with Yangdu periodically to make sure all the numbers jive. This will let everyone know how they are selling. If for some reason you don't want to mention how many you are buying, that's fine, just let yangdu know when you Paypal and she will let me know.

Paypal the payments to Yangdu in the normal fashion, I'll attach that in a bit or Yangdu can when she post the pictures.

Once again, no use of the word raffle in the payment process.

I have one of these and I can tell you they are quite impressive, behemoth and breathtaking.

So there you have it, any questions feel free to ask. Lets once again try to keep this thread kind of clean for a tally and minimize discussion.
40 inch 6 LB Ceremonial Khukuri by Kumar. Bamboo root handle. Usual superb work by Kumar. It took a long time to get this one made but it was worth of wait.





Good Luck to all
Thank you Bawanna for the help
One ticket sold to Reno Justin.
Good Luck Justin!
I almost bought one of these monsters before. The longest Sirupati I own is a 30”. What a monster it is!
I can only imagine a 40” at 6 lbs!!

It’s definitely beautiful!
Lemme get my paycheck in the bank and ill take some. Last time i didnt even have a chance to make it to the weekend before it was gone. We ought to be up to 75-80 by now right Mr.B? Maybe you could give us a weekly or biweekly tally? That way it stays bumped to the top?
Sold one more ticket. Now we have 79 tickets for sale.
Three tickets for ndog! I planned to buy more but just found out my phone aint beer proof! Eight hundred semolians later this new one better be beer and single malt scotch proof! Ill try to buy more later but at least im in! C'mon folks cough it up.
Destroying things with beer and single malt scotch. Sounding very much like myself.
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72 Tickets are still available.
Message sent - what a monster! Who wouldn't love to own a beauty like that!


Ladies and gentleman I have still got plenty of tickets for sale!