Photos Beckers & Flask Photos Here!

The Warrior

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Mar 11, 2011
Why? Well, why the hell not, haha. Both Beckers, and flasks are awesome. :thumbsup:

I recently posted this one up:


One of my early ones, I've used the most:

Stanley flask:

Let's see whatchoo got.
Love my flasks... especially the Stanley one. This is such a beauty.
Wish the cap and hinge were metal though.


My oldest is a no name cheapie that functions well for many years already.

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Good to see fellow users of the flask. :thumbsup:
Yep, I thought that too. I actually have two of them. Theyโ€™ve both been very reliable over the years. :)
Yep, I thought that too. I actually have two of them. Theyโ€™ve both been very reliable over the years. :)
I have a few more flasks I haven't taken photos of yet. Need to get some good shots at the cabin.
My two flasksโ€™ leather wraps are textured slightly different. The original intent was to use one for vodka and one for whiskey. That went out the window a decade and a half ago. Lol
Mine almost always has Maker's Mark in it. :thumbsup:
Mine always carries Tequila :D I've never had a hangover from it :thumbsup:
That's what I like about Maker's Mark. That, and Scotch. :thumbsup:
Makerโ€™s Mark is one of my go to bourbons. Knob Creek being the other.:thumbsup:
Btw, this is my latest flask. Got it 2 weeks ago but havenโ€™t used it yet. I was told that it is a military issued pilotโ€™s flask. I donโ€™t know if thatโ€™s accurate. Itโ€™s pretty big. I got it because it is completely plastic and wonโ€™t set off any metal detectors. :D
I've seen those before. They are rather large. I've seen the ceramic ones too. And the glass ones. Glass is probably the way to go, keeping your whiskey drinkable anywhos.