Photos Beijing Opera Mask Climber

Piso Mojado

Basic Member
Jan 11, 2006
SAK Guy posted a good photograph here

What SAK are ya totin' today?

but I thought this SAK deserved a thread of its own.


Three of these were issued in China six or seven years ago: a Classic, a SwissCard Classic, and a Climber. Beautiful packaging. A set of three with the packaging would be a nice expensive collector's item. I bought this Climber second hand but apparently unused for $15. Taking a wild guess, I'd call it a Bayer advertising knife.
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Anybody here know what ever happened to Robert? I know he was battling some health issues. I miss him.
Soo.. My wife works for Bayer and I showed this to her.. Can you give me any more info on this knife??? Thank You!! John
There is an old thread in the SwissBianco forum.

Quoting someone who knows a lot about Victorinox,

I believe the Chinese Opera Masks series is one of those ordered by local distributors, and as such, are only available in the country the distributor serves. Other such series included a number of African series in cellidor and coloured alox, USA/Canada red and black Pioneers, French and Italian Militaria sets, etc.

I have also read that authorized Victorinox dealers in China sold them to walk-in customers only and not online. So all the authentic knives you see here were bought in China and brought back. The packaging was as striking as the knives, and there was a second production run of the packaging with a different opera mask. There were counterfeits too and I've seen one photographed on a European forum. A Beijing Opera Mask Spartan is counterfeit: Victorinox made a Classic, a SwissCard Classic, and a Climber.

As Oregon noted, "You can see the vic collection by googling images using the key words: Victorinox Opera Mask Collection." No one before me has posted a photograph of the Vic logo scale. It has Bayer's corporate logo, followed by two Chinese characters and a copyright symbol. It may be an advertising knife for Bayer China Limited, but that graphic is not their logo (they use Bayer's). Too bad I can't read Chinese.
It has Bayer's corporate logo, followed by two Chinese characters and a copyright symbol. It may be an advertising knife for Bayer China Limited, but that graphic is not their logo (they use Bayer's). Too bad I can't read Chinese.

The two words are dá xǐ: looked it up and it seems to be related to Talcid. Probably a knife specially made to promote the opening of Bayer's Talcid production in China.

Source: I am Chinese (sort of).
Thanks for the translation, Etna! I was going obsessive-compulsive!!
