Recommendation? Belt sander with angle guide for hobby user?

Jun 14, 2019
I'm a relative rookie with knives in general, and especially so for sharpening. Can anyone recommend a "reasonably priced" (famous ask on forums) belt sharpener with an angle guide? I have the WSKO edition, and based on some other threads, I was looking at purchasing the Blade Grinding Attachment, but I learned that while that attachment has some benefits, it would still require me to essentially free-hand the blade on the belt. I saw another video that compared that setup to the Tormek T8. Although the Tormek appears to have a guide for the blade angle, the price appears to be geared more towards and expert or pro. I know one solution is just to train myself over time to get used to free-handing, but I'm just doing some homework in case there's something out there like I'm envisioning. And I have seen the WS Precision Adjust Knife Sharpener, which seems to eliminate my concern about messing up my blades, but it's not a powered solution.

Thanks in advance for any input!
Hey there, I held off on a response to let the community get in there first but time is up, šŸ˜†. The BGA (Blade Grinding Attachment) for your Ken Onion Edition Knife and Tool Sharpener can seem a bit intimidating at first but it really does not take long to get the hang of. I typically encourage new users to spend a few bucks at their local thrift store on some cheap kitchen knives to practice on when they first start out. This allows you to play around a bit with various grit progressions and speeds to create the edge you want on your knives. If you still have questions after some practice, our customer service is amazing and there to talk you through any issues you're having AND our YouTube channel, The Work Shop, has multiple videos showcasing the versatility of the BGA you can check it out for tips and tricks. Once you get the hang of the BGA, there are few systems that offer as much versatility without spending the money on something like a larger 2x72 belt system. I hope that helps on the BGA side of the discussion at least but if you have more questions feel free to ask. Happy to help!