Off Topic Best COVID-19 zombie knife


Gold Member
Oct 14, 2019
If COVID-19 people turn into zombies, as many people seem to think while they buy up guns and ammo, what knife would you have with you?

Ignoring that knives are terrible weapons for highly transmissible diseases (social distancing!), a Filipino ginunting definitely. It’s really more of a short sword, but who’s counting inches? It gives you respectable reach while still being usable in tight spaces, which is a very real concern in city environments.

Destroy brain or sever the spine, evade, attack next hostile. Fight, move, communicate (assuming you have buddies). In this hypothetical scenario, blades are defensive rather than offensive in nature. Your goal isn’t to mow down the hoard, but to get breathing room and get the fuck outta dodge. You’re gonna be doing a helluva lot more running than fighting.
If COVID-19 people turn into zombies, as many people seem to think while they buy up guns and ammo, what knife would you have with you?

I want to say this to all of the people infected with the novelty Coronavirus who might be reading this:

I don't think you're zombies or that this is a zombie virus, and up there mentioned things don't represent opinion of entire Blade Forum.

There are other, more mature threads here regarding the virus, so feel free to look them up if you haven't already.

I also wish you a fast recovery.
binge watching a few dozen different zombie series while home on covid19 quarantine is only recommended for people with a stable grip on reality ; )

add some dune into your reading/watching list, "fear is the mindkiller" ....
as is this thread
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I didn’t know grown men still fantasize about zombies.

We do.... we also like movies and books about completely unreal topics. WW3, Magic, wizards, dragons, magic rings..killer robots from the future.... light sabers, the force, alien invasion, etc. Etc.

The number of "what knife for the zombie apocalypse" or " whet knife for SHTF" or what "knife for my bug out bag" "what knife for the next riots" we have had here would be tough to count.

I have family members who had to suit up for the LA Riots, and the family still tells jokes about it to this day. (one of the funnier firearm collection inheritance stories I've heard).

I am certain, without a doubt, that my own family will be affected by the Covid 19. Some of us will get it....some might die.

I've lost family members to all sorts of causes. accident, illness, heart attack, alzheimers, blood disorders......

Heck, I nearly killed my grandma with a chocolate shake one time. Family and friends seem to get a kick out of that.

My other grandma...I made the mistake of saving her life.....boy did I get an earful. She was in the hospital for a terrible lung infection. She coded out, right in front of me (after a joke). I grabbed the closest nurse and had her revived......boy did I get an ear full!! She was not pleased with me. She had already (unbeknownst to me) signed a DNR form. Jokingly told me she was already in the light, and ready to rest. Whole family got a kick out of grandma telling them that. She passed a few hours later, but not before telling me the stern talking to was all in good fun....

Death happens. The black plague, polio, sars, the common flu killed 389,000 people last year according to the CDC.

I'm still going to joke about the flu (though it cane pretty darned close to killing my wife and I about 20 years ago). (I had a severly handicapped cousin (bot physical and mental), born with water on her brain, who had a wicked sense of humor about her handicap. She used it to good effect frequently.

I work in a high risk environment (superior court and in and our of the jail nearly daily).

Nothing about covid 19 is funny.....except all the things people find funny about it...

I've shared some great laughs with co workers, store employees, jailers, inmates.....

SARS, Swine flu, etc all make their way to where I live.

Joking about hardship is one of the coping mechanisms.

One of my favorite jokes about tornados was told to me by a lady who had recently lost her home to a tornado. Her delivery of that joke got a belly laugh by everyone who heard it.

I'm washing my hands way more. Trying to distance from co workers... but I'm still going to joke about the run on toilet paper.
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Zombies are real?

Dumb thread

Been a few cases of face eating murders by mentally I'll, or drug induced rampages.

The cases are old enough, in law school we discussed one from the 1960's with a acid high resulting in a bunch of fingers being eaten off of victims.

Two of the more recent zombie attacks were attributed to Flakka (which later turned out not to be the only MJ was found in their systems) one of those had to be shot, while eating the face of another man.
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