Attention Big Knife! Big Raffle!


Dec 19, 2012
Things are very bad right now in Nepal, government, economy, the list goes on. On top of that the shipping company that delivers the knives from Nepal to Yangdu in Reno has doubled the cost which of course makes things tough on both ends.
Yangdu said she might not be able to save the world but she will do everything she can to save the Kami's.

So in an effort to do so in a not nearly large enough way but only thing we can think of at the moment she's having another auction.

She has the very last 40" Sirupati made by Kumar in stock and that is the winners prize for this auction.

Offering a chance to win at 35 dollars each and she hopes to sell 65 chances. In my mind the 35 each is easy, selling 65 might be a challenge as we don't have a lot of traffic these days. So please share the raffle information with friends, family, members who don't visit much these days. The proceeds of course as usual will help the Kami's and their children for school fee's, books, and the usual family needs.

Originally we'd hoped for a higher cost per chance and more chances sold but just doesn't seem realistic or possible so baby steps I guess.

Just like before. Just paypal Yangdu and make note of 40'' Siru or just Chance. Don't use the word Raffle, apparently paypal doesn't like that. Then make a post here stating how many chances you purchased.
Yangdu and I will both keep a record of who and how many and compare notes regularly so there's no chance of anybody missing out.
I really hope we can pull this off fairly rapidly as the kami's are in need and folks don't have to wonder if they won for a very long time.
Dig deep, tell your friends, support our favorite knife makers and the nice lady that works so diligently to take care of their needs.

Yangdu will post pictures of the 40" Sirupati by kumar from her end shortly.

Hope I haven't left anything out, feel free to ask questions but lets also not clutter this thread to much with general conversation although we could certainly use more of that around this forum. We need to recruit more knife addicts for sure.

I'll be in for 2 myself and more as I can pull it off. They just cut my pension in near half, SS rules or something, here I go cluttering the thread already.

Good Afternoon and good luck to all

, Bawanna, thank you for the help






We got a long way to go folks, who wouldn't want a behemoth knife like this one. Tell your friends.
I'll have to get back to you on that. I can't reach mine to weigh it. It's a beast for sure, but nothing cooler.
Sounds about right. Yours and mine were called Ceremonial, this one is called Sirupati, so it might be slightly less or could be the same exact thing. I'm not sure.
I'm sitting around, ok I sit all the time but my little notebook tally sheet is drawing dust. Lets dig deep and get this biggy knife home and some relief for our beloved kami's over in Nepal.