Attention BigBore Ceremonial Raffle


Dec 19, 2012
Ok boys and girls here it is.
Since the Ceremonial knife is not getting any bites we'll give everyone a chance to give it a new and proper home.
I'll get a picture attached here soon as I figure out how or you can visit the previous sale thread.
Here's how it shall work.
Chances are 25 dollars a chance. We'll keep this open until we reach the 1200 bucks plus at least another 50 for shipping this monster.
You just make a post here in this thread stating you are in for how ever many chances.
Then paypal the money to Yangdu. In the Paypal notes mention Bigbore Ceremonial.
DO NOT- mention raffle, paypal does not like that word.
Also include your screen name along with your real name. This is the hard part for me and Yangdu too. She see's your real name and often times doesn't know your screen name.
I know most only by screen name and even the real names I forget, I'm lousy with names.

I will keep track of this thread and make a list of who and how many using the screen names.
I will compare notes with Yangdu regularly to make sure we have the same amount of chances.

I suspect this is going to take quite some time to fill up but it will be worth it to the lucky winner in the end.
I'm not an employee of HI but I will not purchase any chances for myself. I think I might purchase tickets for others here from time to time to help it along. I will just post those like everybody else.

This is a fairly tough task to keep track of so lets keep this thread pretty clean as in, I'm in for 4 chances or 10 chances or whatever.
NOT I'll be getting 10 chances week after next on pay day.
NOT, a lot of just chat as it were. Questions of course especially early on.

So I think I got it all covered. Let the games begin.

I'm the smartest man alive! I made a picture. Lot to be said for cut and paste to this here Missouri farm boy.
First of all I want to thank Bawanna for your time and help.
So far sold 35 tickets.
Good Luck to All.....
Well I thought this would go on for months but a few bought large quantities of chances, sooooo we're down to about 15 chances left.
If you want in on this, now is the time.
Ok Cul, Yangdu advises there are 11 tickets left. If you want all 11 this is over.
Let me know and I'll compare notes with Yangdu tonight to make sure we got everybody noted.
Not all made a post here but so far our notes match.
I'll take all 11.

I'll send the money to auntie via Paypal by EOD today. Payment sent via Paypal.

Send payment confirmation via email to you and auntie.

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Now we are sold out the 50 tickets.
Good Luck to All!
I'm starting the process to do the drawing as we speak.
It'll take me a bit but I'll be back shortly.
Standby, fingers crossed. I sure didn't expect this to be finished so quickly.

I'll be back.
OK boys and girls, the drawing is over.
Once again this is how I did it. We're talking large money here so I wanted it to be just as fair as I could possibly make it.
I did a nice job of printing the names on a nice Excel spreadsheet only to find out my printer was out of ink........grrrrrr.
So I hand wrote all the names on equally sized pieces of paper.
I counted each persons to verify I had the correct number of chances.
I then counted overall to make sure I had the 50 required. Everything jived perfectly.
I put all the pieces in a tupperware container with a lid and I shook that puppy for 10 minutes, Up down, side ways, every which way but loose. (terrible movie that was).
Then I shook it some more and removed the lid and had my wife close her eyes and draw 1 piece.

Drum roll please, a few cords on the Gurka Cigar Box guitar.

And it looks like Cul is going to have crossed Bigbore Ceremonial knives at his house. He is one incredibly lucky dude.

It's worth noting that there were only 5 players in this game.
It was cool following this raffle and congrats to Cul. Wow...crossed Bigbores. Need a photo.
Thanks Bawanna, great work.
Jeez, I won! Now, I feel really lucky.

I guess Ndog was right, time to hang these two beasts on the

I'll get a pic up as soon as I can.
Congratulations to Cul!

I want to thank you all who participate on raffle tickets. Those of you did not win on this raffle drawing want to wish you all the best of luck for another drawing.