Brass backing

Mar 8, 2016
How would you go about putting a thin brass backing on a bowie? I mostly want it to show I think it makes the knife look better and is an eye catcher when carring it in public. I haven very many tools to bend and I'm not sure of the strongest glue to use,could someone please help an old man I have several bowies of ever shaped and size but it's the bigger ones I want to put it on. I have several chipaways that I'd like to dress them up a little. I collect knives and I have 3 knives of of a brand there isn't to much info on the net and would help to see how he made his damascus blades I do know he used ring horns and mostly giraffe bones with two bas reliefs of two elephants on each sides of two with a third is smaller and has I call it file pattern across the top of the blade but it has white ivory handles with two decative bands on top and bottom it maker signed the blade and poster and is a F. NORMAN. NOW I DONT KNOW MUCH ABOUT HIM BUT I SEEN A KNIFE OF HIS ON EBAY FOE 1000 DOLLARS but I know mine is no where near this price I just like tinkering with them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.