Bride to Survive

Aug 29, 2001
How can you tell you can bride someone if your life depends on leaving a certain country?
And if so,
How do you talk and execute this type of action without getting caught?
Sorry mate, could you rephrase that? I understood the individual words, but not the overall meaning.
do ya mean 'bribe'?? one of my buds lived in del rio while working for the DOD at the AFB there, and they often went into mexico to party. etc - he had a wreck, a one car accident, and had been drinking - DWI is a serious offense in mex, when the cops got there (in about a minute) my friend assured them no one was hurt, and he wanted to 'pay the fine' and get the incident behind him - kept stressing 'pay the fine' - the cops in mex are bad about seizing vehicles involved in accidents also, especially trucks, this was a 2 year old chevy 4X4, veryu popular in mex - anyway they took him to police HQ, and he talked w/a captain and payed the fine (they inventoried his $, he had about 208 dollars) which was $200, and they released his truck - he said it was much easier than a DWI in the states lol - the border patrol guys were suprised they released the truck, as he clunked up to the checkpoint in his messed up truck ( about 2K damage to front end) they also tape recorded my bud as he said he was not harrassed, etc and the mex police were great folks etc, guess it was CYA time for them lol - he has a rep't ftrom the municiple police pleading guilty to 'unsafe movement tothe left' fine $200 american

2 months later he was transferred to san antonio, and he had not returned to mexico since the incident, but assumed it was all taken care of - he also thinks, it is possible the mexican police may have set the incident up (a truck ran him off the road, and disappeared and the mex PD showed up w/in a minute so go figure)

3 students were arrested in matamoros for prescription drug violations, they had gotten several hundred valium, and evidently started taking them and drew the mex polices attention - they were in a reynosa jail for almost a year before being released - a proffessor i know who teaches mex history/culture helped the parents 'bribe' officials to get the release- several weeks after the incident one set of parents had given a mex asst districtt atty 5K to secure the release of all - but they gave it to the wrong guy, did no good they just lost the $$, they finally contacted this proffessor (or he might have contacted them, one was a student at my school) and he took the $$ down and got them released in a day or two, he knew the right way to do it and the right people to bribe (i was a TA for this prof and he told me this story about 6 months after it happened) ya might recall the incident, as one of the students, a young girl, died of asthma the night she was released - anyway ya better be sure ya got the right person, etc - i go to mex often, and i think most mex PD are open to bribes, but lookout, its against the law - one of my buds who lives in nuevo laredo mex says the mex fed police, PJF, is the worst, w/the state police a close #2 - the fed police runs checkpoints about 50 miles south of the rio grande, and it is common to be extorted for $$ because of equipment violations, etc by the mex fed police according to my bud - they got him for about $40 ( a lot of $$ in mex) for his head lites not being adjusted correctly lol on his way to monterray

anyway if ya are in another country and NEED to bribe folks, ya are messing up i bet so be carefull
