Burns Supper and Special Guest

Stacy E. Apelt - Bladesmith

ilmarinen - MODERATOR
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Aug 20, 2004
Last Friday, Feb. 4th, I help mu=y annual Burns Supper. I had 80 guests, including one special guest.
Prokovnyk Hennadiy Kovalenko and his lovely wife Lyudmila came, and he addressed the group on why we should care about Ukraine. He also made the toast to Nato and its Allies. Theis fellow is the real deal. HE looks like a bear in a military uniform. I introduced him with this line, "To sum our guest up, if you are ever stranded in the Carpathian Mountains with only a pocketknife and two meters of paracord .. this is the guy you want to be with!". I also had Dr. Alan Campbell, the radio host of Watching America as out speaker on Burns.
Of course, I make my special Gourmet Haggis and Neeps-n'-Tatties. 20 pounds of haggis got consumed.
The first image is Hennadiy's stock military image. The ones after that are from the dinner. One of Judy and me, too.Hennadiy Kovalenko.jpgStacy and Judy Burns '22 - 1.jpegBurns '22 (13).JPGBurns '22 (11).JPGBurns '22 (15).JPG