CJ, should I sharpen the bottom edge of my Tomahawk?

Aug 2, 2001
I have noticed several models of Tomahawks which have variuosly sharpened edges other than the standard front edge.
For the purpose of this question I will include tomahawk like hatchets, like mine.
It has a flat hammer surface on the rear which I think may be tactically superior in some ways.
An excellent blunt instrument adds a lot of versatility to an otherwise pointy weapon/ tool.
I actually use mine in the kitchen a good bit. As noted by many knife users I find it a lot easier to use the butt to hammer a cleaver through meat and other stuff than outright chopping with the hatchett edge.
Interesting, definitely a case for some edge geometry research.

Any way back to question. I have noticed in pictures of your seminar that you like to choke up significantly on the hawk.
Do you feel that it is a significant advantage to have the back or bottom edge of the hawk sharp as well as the front edge?
Part of me thinks that every sharp angle is an advantage, another thinks the front edge will work adequately for most any purpose.
Ive got the grinder right behind me on the bench so it wouldn't be much of a problem.
