Cold Steel comes out with new line of fixed blades... in 4116.


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2021
Meh. I really hope they keep going with the old-school blades and steels. Have not noticed any F&F problems because I think factories and tooling is still the same, but cost cutting measures are already in place on say, the box of the newer XL Espada, versus the one I got in the first restock of 2022 a few months ago.
nothing wrong with 4116,if the HT is right...

the new designs though...not so much. The Razor Teks look like Mteks to me.

Sad to see :(
Oh yeah, I wouldn't have a problem with it on its own if it did not seem to be their new favorite steel to push, and the new company people are just totally corporate no-fun, like, you can absolutely feel it if you communicate with them on here or anywhere else. They like this stuff because it is cheap, not because it is good.

I just hope they keep 3V, S35VN and the AUS series (crazy I have to ASK for them to keep AUS!) but ierno... I almost a few times now bought a few random mid-sized (3-4") CS folders in S35, but backed off. Almost pounced on a ~170 "CPM-3V Warcraft Tanto" on Amazon but there were no markings on the pic and folks were reporting getting specifically, "CMP-3V". Discouraging.
nothing wrong with 4116,if the HT is right...

the new designs though...not so much. The Razor Teks look like Mteks to me.

Sad to see :(
yep on both comments there........

^ one yet..
Oh yeah, I wouldn't have a problem with it on its own if it did not seem to be their new favorite steel to push, and the new company people are just totally corporate no-fun, like, you can absolutely feel it if you communicate with them on here or anywhere else. They like this stuff because it is cheap, not because it is good.

I just hope they keep 3V, S35VN and the AUS series (crazy I have to ASK for them to keep AUS!) but ierno... I almost a few times now bought a few random mid-sized (3-4") CS folders in S35, but backed off. Almost pounced on a ~170 "CPM-3V Warcraft Tanto" on Amazon but there were no markings on the pic and folks were reporting getting specifically, "CMP-3V". Discouraging.
i get your one hand i'm happy that they took over the company, so we still can get some of the real CS knives..for now..on the other hand, i'm really concerned about their design choices. They don't feel like CS knives/weapons at all...

It must be really challenging to try to appease to such a loyal customer base, especially when you're not in the knife business. I wonder where all the CS design team went...i'm sure there were others designing than Demko and LCT.

I'll get the large counter point for my b-day soon and that will probably be my last CS, sadly
i get your one hand i'm happy that they took over the company, so we still can get some of the real CS knives..for now..on the other hand, i'm really concerned about their design choices. They don't feel like CS knives/weapons at all...

It must be really challenging to try to appease to such a loyal customer base, especially when you're not in the knife business. I wonder where all the CS design team went...i'm sure there were others designing than Demko and LCT.

I'll get the large counter point for my b-day soon and that will probably be my last CS, sadly
gsm one way or another chased them out or got rid of them........and thats why we are seeing what we are seeing. big mistake as they had some great knife designers...Lynn, but that was to be expected. then Demko and Mr. Wallace...
gsm one way or another chased them out or got rid of them........and thats why we are seeing what we are seeing. big mistake as they had some great knife designers...Lynn, but that was to be expected. then Demko and Mr. Wallace...

i really need a Colossus before they become extinct..

CS was such a unique company, with their product range and hillarious marketing. I mean,who doesn't want a Sjambok..or an indian war club..or short assegai spear..

I don't really see GSM coming up with similar "units".
I wish they would at least go the CRKT or Böker route and invite some outside designers..anything would be better than what we have right now, sadly
GSM still make some kitchen and bargain knives with 4116
Good steel anyway
4116 is a good stainless steel. My German cooking knives are in 4116 and variants and perform very well.
About 10 years ago I picked up a CS Finn Bear in 4116 to use as my SW fishing knife, knowing the steel was very rust restant.
But the edge chipped like no tomorrow after just a couple of uses. Brought it up on the then extant Cold Steel Forum and the
CS rep there sent a new one out to me no questions asked. OK, so it was like a $15 knife but still, great service,
Never had any further chips, so I figured the edge went hot on the sharpening. Which of course can happen with any steels, although
I've only experiemced it with stainless. 4116 wouldn;t be my first choice in steels, but I think it is a solid performer.
I like 4116; it's easy to sharpen, can take a razor edge. Just don't overcharge for it. The kudu, peace makers, prolite, and spikes are all my favorites.
and they have. prices i saw were higher than they should be even with inflation and shipping costs from Asia and all.......compared to competitions similar size knives.

looks wise this model ain't doing much for me either.......might be a great user though? don't know, havent held one yet.....
get a peace maker :) of the most underrated knives
and they have. prices i saw were higher than they should be even with inflation and shipping costs from Asia and all.......compared to competitions similar size knives.

looks wise this model ain't doing much for me either.......might be a great user though? don't know, havent held one yet.....