
Jun 25, 2007
Just noticed you having your own space here on the knifemakers page-Congrats man! Let me say that your nessmuk was the first custom I have ever owned and to be frank the first place here (well over on the WSS)on bladeforums where I seen the nessmuk design!:eek::thumbup::) Everyone whom I have shown your nessmuk to were all intriqued by the design and equally impressed with your sheath! Wish you all the luck in the world bro! I really like seeing the progress pics and the finished up work in the various threads! I hate to say this but you custom nessmuk may be on its way to becoming a safe queen:eek: Your knife is tough as nails but I love it so much I do not want to abuse it. Ahhh guess I may have to just get another sometime soon!;)
Glad to know you like it! I think you should use it! I can't imagine my knives as safe queens.
Thanks! Hell, from Augusta, if you're free tonight, drive over. Dyslide and I are getting together to drink some beers and hang out in the shop!
Congrats on the new forum. I'm looking forward to (covertly) getting my first Fiddleback knife.
Congratulations on all your fortune and fame! You're going to have to make knives night and day to keep up now!
Congrats on having your forum! Now I`ve got another place to hang out.

Well well. Andy with his own kingdom. LOOK OUT!!!!!!

Congrats Brotha! Glad to see this!
Awesome Bro! Glad to see you have a new place.
WOO HOO! Just saw this and like Stomper said, another place to hang out on BF. I have been spending waaaaay too much time on the political forum, learning from my more educated brethren, and watching the frequent brawls that seem inevitable. This will be a welcome change of pace!!
WOO HOO! Just saw this and like Stomper said, another place to hang out on BF. I have been spending waaaaay too much time on the political forum, learning from my more educated brethren, and watching the frequent brawls that seem inevitable. This will be a welcome change of pace!!

Well good to see you here. When they adopted a no tolerance policy in the Pol section I had to steer away. Can't afford toget banned for being myself.:p