Congratulations on the New Subforum Ben! A couple of pictures to start things off.


Gold Member
Aug 29, 2006
Congratulations on the sub-forum Ben!

Here are a couple of my latest. The Dokusai Prototype and a Chunkadashi that just arrived today. (All captured in a very amateur attempt at artsy fartsy.)

Dokusei is one of my favorites, and yours in combination with that AWESOME vintage menuki is the right one.

...and everybody knows you have to have a Chunkidashi. Especially with all the recent barr sighting in your area.
Thanks Mike, glad I could do them as a matched set for you! Look forward to more cutting vids of them. :cool:
Dokusei is one of my favorites, and yours in combination with that AWESOME vintage menuki is the right one.

...and everybody knows you have to have a Chunkidashi. Especially with all the recent barr sighting in your area.

Barr safety/defense is very important to us (Just me here) at BRT Bladeworks.
