Cosmos Project Suspended

Feb 22, 1999
To all Cosmos fans and the Appletons:

It is with my sincere regret that we have no choice but to throw in the towel on the Cosmos project. In over two years of developing the Cosmos we had contracted three casting facilities and done extensive research in CNC machining and wire EDM. Our final determination was that the Cosmos was much too costly from a machining standpoint and required such tight tollerances that unfortunately this project is not feasible to produce on a production basis.

We thank you for all your interest in patience in waiting for the Cosmos to come to fruition. I also want to offer my sincere thanks and gratitude to Ray & Ron Appleton for offering Outdoor Edge the opportunity to produce a recreation of the original Cosmos design. Is has been an honor and a privelege to work with the Appleton's. These are two individuals who I believe have reached the highest level in the art of knifemaking.

Outdoor Edge Cutlery Corp.

David Bloch

See our Online Catalog at:

I guess you got a little ahead of the technology. Welcome to the world of the "bleeding edge". It's nice to run your own business so that you can make the sensible choice. I've folded production on products of my own that were impractical for the state of the art. I've also worked for idiots that can't understand the fundamental problems and insist on pushing out substandard or uneconomical products.

I look forward to your next cool idea. I'm sure you'll make it better because of what you've learned through this experience.
Aww... that's too bad.

You certainly deserve kudos for at least trying to make the Cosmos though. I'm sure it was an increadibly challenging project and your company probably learned a lot from it.

Now I'll just have to save up for a real Appleton knife! (Which will probably take about 30 years)


"The hairy-armed person who figured out how to put an edge on a suitable rock made it possible for us to be recognizably human in the first place." - J.K.M.
This is very BAD news.I understand.Oh well get back to work and come up with something better. Life goes on. I'll be lookingfoward to what you come up with next.Don't give up.
David - Sorry to hear about this. This was my most anticipated production piece of the year. I love Ray and Ron's stuff, but will never be able to afford one. Thanks for taking a stab at it.

BTW - any chance the prototype is for sale?

My Custom Knife Collection

Member NCCKG, SCAK, and AKTI

Deo Vindice
David, I want to thank you for trying so hard on this project. I know nobody is more disappointed then you.
It was great to meet you at Blade.

Will Work 4 Knives
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