Disc Grinder suggestions needed


Basic Member
Aug 8, 2020
I would like to purchase a disc grinder with a tilting table, especially for doing 22.5 degree bolsters.

I have a 1hp motor with a 56c face and a VFD for it.

I know of the TruGrit option. Are there others?

What about magnetic discs for swapping grits easily?
stupid question...... What is the significance or 22.5 degrees?
I have a 2 year old KMG disc sander with their base, table, etc. While it is nice and heavily built, the tolerances are sloppy and getting the table to slide in and out with ease has been impossible even with shimming and fiddling with it for hours.

On the other hand, I bought the Nielsen Disc System and am happy as can be with the magnetic discs.
I have a 2 year old KMG disc sander with their base, table, etc. While it is nice and heavily built, the tolerances are sloppy and getting the table to slide in and out with ease has been impossible even with shimming and fiddling with it for hours.

On the other hand, I bought the Nielsen Disc System and am happy as can be with the magnetic discs.
Yes. I am leaning towards the Trugrit base/table with the Nielsen disc's at this point. Just wondering if anything else that I might not have known about.
I Love having a disk grinder..... but I just angle my table on the 2x72 for bolster work.
oceanrider oceanrider this is my setup partner. Any angle you want to lock in between 0-90ish although I haven’t tried 22.5 specifically. This mount is with a 1 hp 56c motor attached. Comes with an adjustable rest as well not installed atm. PM me for maker…never sure what I can link on here 😝

J. Keeton J. Keeton got a pretty slick one a while back... Maybe he can chime in

Edit: I think this is the video... Yep it's made by Becks Armory

Thanks for the shout-out, Josh... and sorry for the delay here. That disc grinder I built has been going strong. The motor, while on the budget side, has done everything I need it too. Same goes for the cheap VFD.

The stand from Beck's has also performed well.

I went with a flat disc at the time since it was all I could find (beveled discs seemed to be out of stock).... I haven't had issues with the flat disc even with long blades, however, I do think the beveled disc would probably be a better solution for knife bevels.

The disc grinder has really been nice to have in the shop. I use it for the following frequently:

1.) Flattening fittings... guards, spacers, pommels, etc
2.) Working up the grits on my bevels (this really reduces hand sanding)
3.) Handle scale flattening on full tang knives (I do the bulk on the disc and still finish on the surface plate)
4.) Sometimes I'll use the disc to set the secondary bevel before using my Wicked Edge to finish... just faster that way

I hope you found a cost effective solution oceanrider oceanrider !
Thanks everyone for the your input. Because of cost at this point and wanting to get other tools. I'm really leaning towards OBM at $240, it seems hard to beat price wise.

I did have someone reach out to me saying they had one like the Trugrit one they were willing to sell, and I wanted to get back to him, but I reached my 15 message limit as a basic member.

I was going to pull the trigger on an OBM without the disc and then save up pennies to get a Neilsen, but the OBM is out of stock at $239. I bet when it does come back it's higher LOL

obm 239.png
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