Dogs and traditional knives

That was good of you. I wouldn't have a dog if I worked full time.
My 20 yr old keeps telling me she wants a couple when she moves out. Luckily I don't think that wil happen.
Buddy is going on 14, slowing down only a couple of big walks in him in a week. The youngest has been spending more time with him. I asked her to have a look for a new coat for him at work( works In a kmart style store).
Well no coat but a nice new bed, so he can sleep in her room😲 so buddy follows me around all day till Lilly gets home and he ditches me.

Looks like such a cozy nice place to nap for the day. :)
We were out of town most of the past couple of weeks and our little dog Gandalf had to be boarded at a kennel. People who worked at the kennel sent my wife brief updates every other day on how Gandalf was doing, usually involving a photo or two. Someone there must have been a fan of Photoshop or something like it, because one day we received the following photo (except the Case Swayback Jack was not included; I pasted that in just now 🤓 ).

- GT