
May 8, 2012
so my question for you lot over heeerrah, is

Dose a hinderer de-assemble and re-assemble like a Sebenza?
so my question for you lot over heeerrah, is

Dose a hinderer de-assemble and re-assemble like a Sebenza?

Ummm.... they are different knives from different makers with different hardware so.... this "riddle me this" is a real question?
He is asking about the dose. Somewhere around 90 to 100 grams I would guess?

The moderator posted a link that dealt with my question perfectly. I don't come round this part of BladeForums much so I forgot to look at the sticky.
The XM does come apart with easy disassembly using proper tools...and the stickies here are full of useful information.
The moderator posted a link that dealt with my question perfectly. I don't come round this part of BladeForums much so I forgot to look at the sticky.

It's all good.
We "kid" but it's all good natured. If you have OR are getting a Hinderer perhaps you will visit more often.
The "stickies" do indeed provide a wealth of information should that prove helpful at some point.