DPX Bottle Opener Shootout

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Feb 22, 2010
Special Thanks to Gianni and Robert, NICE FOLDER! And to everyone else, HARDEN THE FUCK UP!

Here's the new LE in the field. HEST/F #75 opening a 32 degree NEWCASTLE BROWN ALE. Note: Very low profile. Perfect for that highly visible birthday party/BBQ!

This Tip Up variation offers more leverage and looks more awkward than it feels. Great for those "tricep days":

Big Brother HEST, The main HAZARD here is that your opening with blade UP! AHH LOOKOUT! Rogue party-goer!
Hope there aren't any clumsy kids bouncing round when you use this suds top popper! Leave this one home for the kids birthday party/BBQ..

And last, The LE Mr. DP Tool despite being the larger of the 2 HEST/F Tools, has an opener that is even less effective that the HEST series! It took 3 tries to fully get the cap off (vs. 2 for the HESTs), in our experiment. This because there is very little leverage on Mr DP's head. No space=No leverage. Plus, the pivot screw posts on top poke the flesh making for a most Hostile experience! Ha! Gotcha! HARDEN THE FUCK UP!
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Please you are killing me with all that HESTness! :)) Oy and hawden the fuck up on that MR DP skull too opener...I love the titanium beer cap killer. opens and holds the top of your favorite brew. Grow some damn balls on your beer opening fingas mate!

Good stuff!
How shall I "harden up", oh hard one?
(talking to the OP here.)

youre over thinking this one mate, its just an expression! As you can see from my nails, I'm as soft as they come!
That bottom most finger in the last photo was severed by a bicycle sprocket, when I was 2. That's a 4 on the hardcore scale..
In conclusion, the HEST/F takes the shootout! It's not only more versatile and subtle, but it bests the Emerson wave as it does NOT shred your jeans like the lip of the wave does when performing the "Look! I'm a mall ninja-"QuickDraw".
The only beers I had at the house tonight were cans. I went by my buddys house earlier and did crack a High Life with it:barf:! Best I could do on short notice, was not expecting the knife to show today! I guess if that is my only complaint I am doing pretty damn well.

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