Dyeing ZT 0121 G10 scales

Sep 13, 2012
Has anyone tried to dye the G10 scales on the 0121? I want to dye them black. I've read about other people having success dyeing G10, but the G10 on the 0121 seems less "porous" than other G10. I guess I could give it a shot and use the RIT dye remover if it doesn't come out good. I was hoping to hear from someone with first hand experience dyeing the scales on this particular knife though. Thanks!!
I haven't dyed that knife specifically but I have dyed a few knives in that shade of green and they took the dye well. yours should take black no problem. Other colors may look a bit weird since it's a darker color already.
They're on the stove in the dye as I write this. Hopefully the heat doesn't warp the G10. I'll post some pics up tomorrow once I get the knife reassembled.
You were right, they didn't warp! I thought they would come out jet black like most G10 you see. They came out almost sparkly looking, I kind of like it!
They came out prettys ick looking, if I say so myself. I'll post a pic when I get home from work!
It's hard to capture a good pic of them, they are a darker black than what shows in the photos!





I may try to dye them one more time to see if I can get them darker yet.
I used half a box of powdered black RIT dye (I had already used the other half to dye the scales on my Izula, ESEE-3, and Junglas). I boiled about two cups of water, added a tablespoon of Dawn dish soap, added the dye, and stirred it all up until mixed. I then lowered the heat to low, added the scales, and left them in for about 45 minutes. Pulled them out, rinsed them with cold water, and let them dry. It kinda stains the pot you use, so use an old cheap pot that you don't mind messing up. I have a dedicated dyeing pot that I use each time.
GREAT job! I love my 0121...Hell of a stout fixed blade that's easy to carry. I held off at least a year buying one because I was certain that the handle would be too short but I was wrong as it feels great in the hand. Its a beast.
Funny thing is, I was just getting ready to sell it. I really don't like ranger green. I've been trying to trade it off for a month and nobody wanted it. I figured I'd try dyeing it to see if I liked it any better. Now that it's got black G10 scales, I love it!