Recommendation? Emerson A-100 Slight Blade Rock - Help?

One thing I learned from BF: Emerson's are overpriced; Striders are overpriced; Hinderer's are overpriced; and CRKS are overpriced. And none of the aforementioned knives are as good as cheaper Chinese knives. Have I missed anything?
You can buy whatever you want. If you don't like the price, style or whatever else, then don't buy it. Clearly there's a market for all of those otherwise they'd all have closed down already.
You can buy whatever you want. If you don't like the price, style or whatever else, then don't buy it. Clearly there's a market for all of those otherwise they'd all have closed down already.
Uh, I guess you didn't recognize sarcasm.
One thing I learned from BF: Emerson's are overpriced; Striders are overpriced; Hinderer's are overpriced; and CRKS are overpriced. And none of the aforementioned knives are as good as cheaper Chinese knives. Have I missed anything?
Gotta admit, love your comment. You rip!
Let me see if I get this right. I've read though the thread a few times.

The pivot is rotating very slightly when opening and closing the knife? Is that the only play the pivot has? This is normal for my Emersons when I tighten or loosen the pivot screw, but that shouldn't happen when opening or closing the blade. Usually the friction and fitment of the pivot bolt in the handle scale and liners is enough to prevent it from rotating during opening (different story if using a screw driving to manipulate the pivot screw of course).

So to me, it seems like there's too much friction or play on the blade when it rotates around the pivot bolt. To test, take the blade and pivot out and then test to see how freely the blade can spin around it. I'll often use dish soap and a toothbrush to clean the pivot bolt and also the pivot hole in the blade. On rare occasions, very light sanding on the pivot bolt to remove any dings, damage, or rough spots. I try not to strip the coating on the pivot to bare metal because that can introduce some blade play if done inconsistently.

So try cleaning the pivot bolt and blade pivot hole. Then inspect the pivot bolt for damage. Reassemble the knife and play with different pivot screw tightness to see when the problem occurs or goes away.

When I tune my Emerson pivots, I usually put a finger on the bolt end to stop it from rotating for really fine adjustments. It's just how they are.
Very kind and patient response. Thank you. The pivot is not seated well inside the D shape of the liners. There is slight movement. I refuse to believe "oh that is just how Emersons are made." This cannot be true.
Very kind and patient response. Thank you. The pivot is not seated well inside the D shape of the liners. There is slight movement. I refuse to believe "oh that is just how Emersons are made." This cannot be true.
It depends on the degree of pivot bolt movement. A tiny bit of movement when tightening the screw happens from time to time, especially when there's loctite. I don't get pivot bolt movement usually when just opening or closing the knife. I have a lot of extra parts so sometimes I swap pivots with another I have to fix that type of issue.

Again, for me, the pivot bolt moving while opening or closing the knife does not happen to me often.