Explanation of ongoing mod work

REK Knives

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Apr 3, 2011
It has been brought to my attention that some of you guys are wondering if I'm still taking on new work even though my books are closed on everything... unfortunately, I am not taking on any new work at this time.

I'm currently playing catch-up and completing mods for very patient customers who booked work before I closed the books. Sometimes if I'm doing a batch of blasting or DLC I may sneak another mod in, time permitting. There are a few more months left of mods, and I'm excited to get everything out while also juggling becoming a full time maker!

Thank you to all who have been super patient and I'm sorry to those I have confused.

I hope that clarifies things. If you have any questions feel free to post below or reach out to me direct.

Thank you for all of your ongoing support!
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I'll probably open limited spots via my newsletter... That way I can turn them around relatively quickly and still have time to work on my own knives. Great question!
Thanks. Sounds pretty good. You ARE the premier mod man. Everyone knows this. But the evolution of your art and business is paramount and I strongly suspect you will be quite successful crafting your own designs. I am certain it will be fulfilling and gratifying.