Favorite style of throw

Bobby Branton

Dec 12, 1998
What is your favorite style of throw?
Do you like the professional style, the sportsman style, underhand or a multiple spin throw?
I prefer the sportsman style because that is what I use in demonstrations and competetions, but I also like to mix it up when I'm just out relaxing.

Bobby Branton

AKTI member #1000
President South Carolina Association of Knifemakers
President American Knife Throwers Alliance


[This message has been edited by Knifeslinger (edited 04-02-2000).]
Originally posted by Knifeslinger:
What is your favorite style of throw?
Do you like the professional style, the sportsman style, underhand or a multiple spin throw?
I prefer the sportsman style because that is what I use in demonstrations and competetions, but I also like to mix it up when I'm just out relaxing.

Bobby Branton

Hello Bobby,

Boy this forum has really taken off! Lots of great posts and ideas!

I'm jealous

On to my throwing style...

I used to only use the professional style, but when I would back up for 2 or 3 turns my sticking percentage went down a bit.

Now I use a type of "dart stance". I put my left foot out in front of me, (I'm left handed), and let the knives fly!

This seems to work better for me.

But then when I have friends over and start digging through my growing collection of throwers... I end up throwing all sorts of ways from all sorts of distances.

Keep up the great work!

Scott Gracia

The Great Throwzini http://www.throwzini.com
