Fiddlebacks and Food

Ya know, just looking at the text, I'd think you two were talking about two totally different animals here :D

I did also come to that conclusion. I grew up on the ocean and don't even think of any other kind of fish usually. However now I am land locked and have been forced to embrace fish of a much less saltier nature... I am getting used to trout and such. NOTHING like a Salt water Stripped Bass though.
The best fishing trip is good morning and day fishing, then some beer and eating your catch, then some strippers around the campfire.... that's what I call bushcraft!

I sooo need to hang out with you on one of these fishing trips!! :)

I did also come to that conclusion. I grew up on the ocean and don't even think of any other kind of fish usually. However now I am land locked and have been forced to embrace fish of a much less saltier nature... I am getting used to trout and such. NOTHING like a Salt water Stripped Bass though.

Oh, to be sure! Having spent so much time on the gulf coast and in the keys, it's really hard to go back to loving freshwater fish! I am hoping the salmon and trout up here will be better to me than the bass and bream in the rivers and lakes of TN. No salt water up here...
Had a little help with dinner tonight from my nessie :)


Great pics Mist; glad to see you are enjoying the Nessie! I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this design -- personally, I've been most impressed with mine in the kitchen. Is yours 1/8 or 5/32?

I missed this one, but if you looked through the Nessie/Kitchen thread I did I've already answered...this one is 1/8 and slices like a laser!:)
Did you have any of those pork turkeys? Or are they coming out this weekend?
Prepping some venison tenderloin medallions for dinenr tonight. They are from a nice doe I took this year's hunt in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. There is a cool story (to me) about this doe. Every fall I travel to the U.P. at my uncle's hunt camp. I would take my dad as well. Just over two years ago my dad and my uncle both passed away around the same time. My cousin and I now are the next generation.

I never knew my grandfather but this year my cousin handed me his rifle at camp. I had never hunted with it and he told me to take it this year. It's a Winchester 94 (.32 Winchester Special). I headed out with it on the 2nd day of camp in the rain. She came in at about 92 yds. Typically not a long shot but with open sights I was pushing my personal vision limits. Fast forwarding... I took a breath and literally said to myself "ok Grandpa let's take this one". She was piled up about 25 yds from where I hit her. Admittedly I used an old Marbles custom to dress her out. It was my uncles knife given to me as a gift from my cousin after he passed. It was a very cool and sentimental experience in the woods tracking, dressing, dragging :D and just being thankful for this beautiful doe.


I can't think of a better way to prep this meal than with my newest Fiddleback Nessmuk. A fitting blade for this feast.


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That's an awesome story Major. I haven't been hunting since 1997, before I joined the Navy. I've been out now since July of '09 and keep telling myself I'm going to get back into it. Just hasn't been in the cards yet. You're story makes me want to get out there even more!
Thanks Guys. That was a really cool and admittedly emotional morning. :eek: It absolutely beautiful country in Michigan's U.P.

This 3/32" Nessmuk is a laser in the kitchen! Wow ....
Did you have any of those pork turkeys? Or are they coming out this weekend?

Stuffed pork chops are on the menu for Monday night :)



steak was a bit overcooked but the wife was happy


Damn, that looks great Vance!

Prepping some venison tenderloin medallions for dinenr tonight. They are from a nice doe I took this year's hunt in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. There is a cool story (to me) about this doe. Every fall I travel to the U.P. at my uncle's hunt camp. I would take my dad as well. Just over two years ago my dad and my uncle both past away around the same time. My cousin and I now are the next generation.

I never knew my grandfather but this year my cousin handed me his rifle at camp. I had never hunted with it and he told me to take it this year. It's a Winchester 94 (.32 Winchester Special). I headed out with it on the 2nd day of camp in the rain. She came in at about 92 yds. Typically not a long shot but with open sights I was pushing my personal vision limits. Fast forwarding... I took a breath and literally said to myself "ok Grandpa let's take this one". She was piled up about 25 yds from where I hit her. Admittedly I used an old Marbles custom to dress her out. It was my uncles knife given to me as a gift from my cousin after he passed. It was a very cool and sentimental experience in the woods tracking, dressing, dragging :D and just being thankful for this beautiful doe.


I can't think of a better way to prep this meal than with my newest Fiddleback Nessmuk. A fitting blade for this feast.



This is an awesome story man! One of the best I've heard in years, and seeing that nessie processing that tenderloin just makes it even better. Now I am so hungry I could eat a horse!
Made venison schnitzel tonight. (Basically it's German chicken fried steak)
