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Francisco Vaz —- Problem resolved

Hey Blues,
They certainly gave you a chance by paying you up front. That's not nothing. That's called trust. The fact that they waited as long as they have is further evidence of that trust.

One is not entitled to trust. One earns it via their character and how they handle both their business, and adversity.

This is a setback for you, but one that you can turn to your advantage in the future and use to illustrate both your professionalism, and responsibility toward your customers.

True, i expressed myself wrong, i actually meant that some people just wouldnt like to deal with this situation rather than just quickly receive a refund.

Most payments upfront are aware customers that i offer significant discounts by paying upfront, compared to prices of already finished knives since this helps me to run materials faster.

Appreciate your words, i have been learning a lot from this delicate situation.

Please contact me anytime, i might take longer than usual to reply back until this situation is cleared.
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Hopefully this all works out for all. But dang this is just another example of why you don't pay up front. Maybe partially if you want something unique.
They certainly gave you a chance by paying you up front. That's not nothing. That's called trust. The fact that they waited as long as they have is further evidence of that trust.

One is not entitled to trust. One earns it via their character and how they handle both their business, and adversity.

This is a setback for you, but one that you can turn to your advantage in the future and use to illustrate both your professionalism, and responsibility toward your customers.
A hard thing to earn and sustain, but a worthy endeavor.

Trust is much easier to be lost than gained, and a trait worth considerable efforts to maintain.

I also hope all parties are made satisfied, and wish the maker the best of luck in sorting out these events.
Francisco and I are now squared away. He offered the refund. We agreed on the amount. Today he made the refund.
Perhaps you can change the title of the thread to reflect the positive result.
Maybe I missed something, but being promised that 5 knives were shipped in February and receiving a refund 3 months later can hardly be called a "positive result". Am I wrong?
Maybe I missed something, but being promised that 5 knives were shipped in February and receiving a refund 3 months later can hardly be called a "positive result". Am I wrong?
Well, it’s better than still getting excuses and having neither knives nor money. Francisco seems legitimately concerned about his customers, and probably just got in over his head. It sure looks like he’s trying to do the right thing now.

Reading between the lines of the communication barrier…did you ship these knives and there is an issue with the shipping company’s 3rd party? OR have you not made the knives yet?

Just a question for clarity. :)
Maybe I missed something, but being promised that 5 knives were shipped in February and receiving a refund 3 months later can hardly be called a "positive result". Am I wrong?
Definitely not an ideal situation, but the OP did manage to stimulate a resolution by posting his experience here. GBU discussions often get things moving in the right direction.
Maybe I missed something, but being promised that 5 knives were shipped in February and receiving a refund 3 months later can hardly be called a "positive result". Am I wrong?
I did also agreed to ship Brian a few knives free of cost since i dont believe just plain refunding is fair, for the same reason you pointed - i believe that something must reward this meantime that passed. Im going to ship him 4 knives, about 900$ worth - he was truly a great customer and even offered me valuable feedback.

Up to date, as per my last message in this thread, i havent received a single refund request by the email i created solely for fixing problems quickly - fvaztroubleshooting@gmail.com - I have been in the market for years and dealed with more than a hundred of customers of various cultures, ages and preferences (including in communication) - Im trying to be as professional as i can be, i have a specific financial savings to deal with such situations, something like my own insurance program, therefore able to provide customers a quick and full refund in any cases you would not like to work with me anymore - its not just "pay upfront and that is, thanks" - Me and Brain never discussed regarding refunds, i was suggested by members in this forum and it sounded a great idea and im thankful to be able to honor his demands and as i will with any other customer that needs.

Once again:

My official email: fvazcustomknives@gmail.com
My troubleshooting email for quick refunds or solutions of any kind: fvaztroubleshooting@gmail.com

I havent receive any requests up to date, if i do, it will be honored and it will be fast. If anyone enjoys my work and is skeptical of supporting me, be also welcome to contact me.

I keep watching my emails, any demands will be honored - if you have orders with me and simply dont believe in my work anymore, so the refund will be made quick and smooth.

I apologize to all, but i have fixed the problem i caused to my customer, and i will to any other customer who shows both in this thread or email, my city now is in the worst timing of the flooding as the water of the entire state is now flowing to the ocean, where precisely my city is, and i will be caring for my family and i dont want to write anything wrong here because im just not with the head for it - i guess i already served the purpose of this thread.

Out of curiosity, i had in the past some good feedback posted in this forums as well - https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/francisco-vaz-is-good-to-go.1953356/ - obviously problems get more attention that positive situations.

Sharp & Fiery Sharp & Fiery i will be sending a message in a moment.
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Francisco I'm happy that things are working out...You are doing your best given the.situation you were placed in.........Your a great craftsman.. Superb quality work......I hope everything in your neck of the woods is recovering from the flooding and your family is safe and sound..... !!

Stay safe and healthy my friend!!!

Francisco did in fact send me a PM…and the answer to my question is still unanswered.
Just wanted to update.
Francisco did in fact send me a PM…and the answer to my question is still unanswered.
Just wanted to update.

Call me a cynic, but I had a feeling that a more positive response would have (otherwise) been answered publicly.
I apologize the language barrier Sharp, but yes.
Call me a cynic, but I had a feeling that a more positive response would have (otherwise) been answered publicly.
Yes, no confirmation in either direction. :(
I apologize the language barrier Sharp, but yes.
Yes what?

The knives have been shipped and issues with shipper? Or knives have not been made?
So they have been shipped?
Francisco, please respond to my order too, I have placed the order and paid in December 2023, for three knives. Can you please send any update for the order?