Front or back carry for fixed blades?

May 17, 2002
Hello, I do not want to get into the many ways to carry a fixed blade knife but I carried a fixed blade knife yesterday in the traditional back carry and was wondering if front carry was better for city carry.

Of course some prefer to carry folder but let's say you have already decided to carry a fixed blade in the city.

With my knife in the back I felt that everyone could see it without me seeing them (this perhaps out-weighs the advantage in a face-to-face confrontation where the knife would be somewhat hidden from the person you are facing), and that someone could grab the knife if so inclined.

I am thinking that front carry (and for the front I'd go with a horizontal mount for comfort) would allow me more control of the knife and I'd better be able to see the people who stare at it.
I'm talking about open on the belt carry, although some laws may make any belt worn knife covered by a coat a concealed weapon; I am talking belt worn with/without a coat. I'm not trying to intentionaly hide the knife.
I have a friend whose buddy used to have a habbit of knocking people down in fight then sit on top of them and beat them till according to him "their pupils dilate". This guy is 6 foot 7 inch tall about 350 Lbs. and has black belt in Jiu Jitsu. If you are on recieving end and your knife is on your back there is no way you can pull it out. Of course if he is sitting on your waist it might be difficult to pull the knife from there either, but not impossible. Another consideration is multiple attackers. There could be a situation when you are confronted by one guy while his friend is standing quietly behind you. If he notices the knife on your back he has a good chance to pull it out and get you in the kidney. These are my thoughts. You decide.
A number of states have revised their concealed knife carry statutes to better protect / define what exactly is "concealed" and/or illegal in terms of knife carry.

The knife is such a common use utility tool that hammering the average citizen because his or her jacket hung over a "knife" simply became blatantly stupid to the courts.

So first off check into what the status of knife carry is TODAY in your neck of the woods.

That'll help some.

I've never liked rear carry on the belt for a knife or handgun. To me, it perhaps looks "cool" but it is - for the most part - non functional and after awhile, uncomfortable.

I like Jim Grover's idea of carrying just behind the hip so that if you have a vest on, or coat, or long shirt you can open the garment up and no one sees ANYTHING on your belt. That's way smart and way cool.

And just behind the hip makes for a comfortable carry and sure draw stroke, when necessary.

Get snaps on your sheath so it snaps to and off your belt. Easy on -easy off. And as Grover points out, sometimes you need or want to unass the rig FAST. Snaps allow you to do that. Belt loops and such do not.

Ground fighting in general advocates (correctly) that you want to fight from your back if taken to the ground. If your handgun or knife is between you and the ground during a fight you're down a lot of options right off the bat. Not to mention the potential self-injury you might receive from landing HARD on the tool/weapon.


Just a thought...
...was just talking about this issue with Jeff Loffer at Cutlery Shoppe today, oddly enough.

New Jersey isn't the best place to carry a fixed blade on the belt, though I've done it over the years with very small fixed general however, "city" carry for me requires concealment.

To me, Robert Humelbaugh's chest rigs from Survival Sheath Systems have opened my eyes to a whole new world of "COMFORT" and ease of access. While I wouldn't strap a rig over my t-shirt and walk into the local 7-11, I have indeed worn a t-shirt OVER my chest rig and walked into a one knew the wiser. In the backcountry or while running, I have certainly carried on a chest rig in open view or under a partially zipped vest.

I carry concealed EVERY day...favorites include Mission's MPS, a modified Ka-Bar (top guard removed), and an SAK Trailmaster...ALL in chest rigs, butt down, under the right chest. Concealed Tomahawks are carried via the Shoulder or Draw-Point/back rig.

For concealed knife carry, the MPS is my fave, as it's flat, feather-weight, won't print, and remains a VERY substantial fixed blade available at a moment's notice from under my shirt.

I have upchoiced belt carry to this mode and could not be happier, having sent nearly every knife I own to Robert for a chest rig.
I like right side carry, right at the side, but also like right behind the side just slightly on the hip. This is my preferred carry spot, especially for folding belt knives. For sheath knives I like the same position, but often use the same spot on the belt on the left side to avoid problems with car seat when driving.
I prefer sheath knives to folders, so usually try to have one of them on when engaged in outside activities.
Why only one!:D Carry front and back. Seriously, WHen I have need for a fixed blade (when I'm not able or not authorized to carry a firearm - like when on military duty), I carry mt Busse Steel Heart II in it's kydex sheath on my belt tip up. It completely concealed and a sharp pull down and the entire 7" blade is in hand ready to go.

I'm partial to appendix carry myself [right front IWB]. Currently, my fixed blade is a CRKT Polkowski/Kasper Companion with an olive drab kydex sheath set-up for appendix carry that was made by Mike Sastre of
Personal preference is left-front appendix carry (diagonal).
Good for R. hand crossdraw or easy L. hand reverse-grip draw.
Good Luck & Stay Safe,