Giveaway - Civivi Baby Banter

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Gold Member
Nov 19, 2014
Here you go guys...going to keep this one simple: winner will be picked at random. Will close Wednesday, 09/22 at noon (CST).

Got inspired by Dergyll Dergyll 's giveaway...So, post "I'm in" followed by what state you live in and one random fact about the state.

Please, only one post per member. No multiple posts.

Sorry to all the members from other countries, but this one is only for members that have an address in the USA.

If you win the giveaway, do not post this for sale in the Exchange. Either use it or give it to someone else.

What you'll win:

An all blacked out Civivi Baby Banter. Complete in box.

I bought it brand new this past Friday, but decided it's not for me. Good luck everyone.

I live in Illinois. For all you movie fans, there is no Shermer, IL. It is a fictional town where John Hughes movies were set. However, "Shermerville" was the original name for Northbrook, IL, where John Hughes is from.
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I’m in! Thanks for doing this giveaway :)

Random fact about Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh is the only “burg” in PA with an h at the end of its spelling But originally it was “Pittsburg”
I’m in!!! Thank you! I live in Ky, it is the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, called the bluegrass state, and known for the horse derby. Only one fact was required but I figured I’d ramble on a little.
I'm in.
Louisiana has parishes, rather than counties like the other 49 states. Of course, a Louisiana state senator once remarked on the Legislature floor that the United States was composed of 49 states and 1 banana boat republic. I'll let you figure it out.
I'm in. The tallest capitol building in the United States is in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
I’m in , I’m from Texas, and the most Texas fact I know is that it’s illegal to milk someone else’s cow.
I’m in! Thank you for your generosity!
Down here in Kentucky we have the best bourbon rolling hills of bluegrass. Our State bird is the Cardinal.
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Im in.
I’m from Colorado.
One third of the land in the state is owned by the US Federal Government.

Thank you for the opportunity.
I'm in!
I love in New York - Adirondack park in New York is larger than any other national park in the U.S. The park covers an area of 28 million acres.
I'm in! The state fossil here in Oregon is the metasequoia, a deciduous conifer.

They were thought to be extinct for millions of years, but shortly before WWII some were found in China. Seeds were brought back and given to universities, and now I have a young metasequoia in my yard that was sprouted from a cone from one of those first trees given to the University of Oregon.
I'm in.

Vietnamese is the third most spoken language in Texas, and there's a dialect of German that is specific to Texas.

I’m in, and thx.
Pennsylvania’s state tree is the Eastern Hemlock
I'm in.

NJ is the world capital for pharma and chemical production
I’m in!

Kentucky is the home of bourbon. We get a lot of tourists for the “Bourbon Trail”—a tour of distilleries, with tastings and education. The tourists do NOT drive on these tours, haha.
I'm in.


Actually in Cape Girardeau. Boyhood home of Rush Limbaugh,
Missouri has the largest beer producing plant in the country as it houses the maker of Budweiser beer–the Anheuser-Busch
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