Gold membership


Gold Member
Sep 25, 2021
Hello Blade forums I bought a gold membership in 2021 and sold a few knives. I came back 2024 and paid for another gold membership. I am now out of messages , do I have to upgrade to be able to message people? I would of thought my 250 messages would be for that yr ? Apparently not its 250 messages period. I've sent messages to bladeforums since Jan with no response. Thanks
You need to delete messages to free up space.

In your messages click the box on the conversations you want to get rid of, then click in the little box in the left bottom corner and click leave conversations.
You need to delete messages to free up space.

In your messages click the box on the conversations you want to get rid of, then click in the little box in the left bottom corner and click leave conversations.
Thankyou very much , I'm sorry I'm a idoit with technology!!!!
You need to delete messages to free up space.

In your messages click the box on the conversations you want to get rid of, then click in the little box in the left bottom corner and click leave conversations.