"Good reason" to carry a knife

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This is a great thread so I stuck it to the top.

Jim is missed. He was very active when we formed up AKTI...and man could he talk your ear off.

Anyone have any good James Mattis stories??
spraay said:

There's only one reason why people think you need a 'good reason' to carry a knife. They are afraid. And that's a shame.

There is much truth in that. Society has stigmatized independence for so long that most people feel threatened, or are afraid of anything or anyone that/who demonstrates the least amount of it.

There are a lot of good responses here, and here is my input.

Usually, if someone (an ordinary average person) asks me why I carry a knife, I answer, “there are two types of people concerning pocket knives. Those who carry them, and those who borrow them.”

If someone of authority should ever ask me, my answer will be “Absolutely nothing unlawful.”
CJ Buck said:
This is a great thread so I stuck it to the top.

Jim is missed. He was very active when we formed up AKTI...and man could he talk your ear off.

Anyone have any good James Mattis stories??

CJ, this Memorial thread should give a lot of insight as to who James Mattis was for those that didn't know him. For the folks that had a chance to get to know James it hopefully will bring back some fond memories, as well as a feeling of loss.

One time at church I pulled out a knife to cut some carpet to replace the missing cymbal felts on the drum set and some one asked me why I carried a knife to church and I said "I don't I carry it every where".
ghostrider said:
There is much truth in that. Society has stigmatized independence for so long that most people feel threatened, or are afraid of anything or anyone that/who demonstrates the least amount of it.

There are a lot of good responses here, and here is my input.

Usually, if someone (an ordinary average person) asks me why I carry a knife, I answer, “there are two types of people concerning pocket knives. Those who carry them, and those who borrow them.”

If someone of authority should ever ask me, my answer will be “Absolutely nothing unlawful.”

truer words haven't been spoken :)

it's even worse with a SAK/Multitool
You know, I don't believe I've ever actually been asked that question. I've responded to many internet threads, much like this one, that posed the question to everyone who read, but I've never been directly asked that question. Perhaps it is the fact that I grew up and live in a relatively small town, where owning and using a knife is as common as breathing air. Where knives are still viewed as tools rather than as dangerous weapons. I think the day when I do get asked that question on a regular basis will be the day that I lose faith in humanity.
a Knife is the only thing God left off humans when he created us... But he did it on purpose because he knew we would end up carrying them anyways.
This exchange, more or less verbatim actually took place at my last employer, when my boss (who was a jerk) saw me using a slipjoint for something, and took the opportunity to ask me why I carried a knife. The tone was accusatory, implying that I carried it to be used as a weapon. Rembember now, this was 3 1/2" (closed) slipjoint. Here's how the conversation went, more or less:

Him: "Why do you carry that knife"

Me: "Well, I find it's useful in general, especially in the office"

Him: "What do you need a knife in an office?"

Me "Well I use it for things like cutting paper..."

Him: "Why not use a scissors?"

Me "Also to sharpen dull pencils"

Him: "Why not use a pencil sharpener?"

Me: "I also use it to remove staples"

Him: "Well why not use a staple remover?"

Me: Well there are probably a thousand different situations when it comes in handy"

Him: "Well so far everything you say you use it for can be done as well or better by something else that we have here. You still haven't explained why you need to carry a knife."

Me: "Okay, so are you really asking me why I carry this pocketknife instead of a scissors, a pencil sharpener, and a stable remover? Do you see my point?"

At his point he says something lamely dismissive, and walks away grumbling.

That felt pretty good.
Here's another good reason to carry a pocketknife. It's from the New Orleans newspaper, the Times-Picayune:

Track hand cited for heroism
Sunday, December 17, 2006
By Bob Fortus
Staff writer

Bubba Beck, who works on the starting-gate crew at the Fair Grounds, is a hero, whether he's comfortable with the description or not.

Last spring in Baltimore, Beck rescued two children from a burning car. His quick action earned him the White Horse Award, presented by the Race Track Chaplaincy of America during Breeders' Cup week for the most heroic act this year by a racing person on behalf of humans or horses.

"I have two kids," Beck said. "Everyone says hero this or hero that. You always tell your kids to do the right thing. I wanted to do the right thing."

After finishing a long day with the Pimlico gate crew putting new doors on the starting gate for the Preakness, he was driving on a busy street when a motorcyclist recklessly zoomed past him. The motorcycle slammed into the passenger side of a car crossing the street.

"I stopped, and another guy stopped," Beck said. "The first thing I did was run to the guy. He'd slid into the gutter. There was nothing I could do for him."

The man was dead, and his bike burst into flames. When the fire spread to the car, pedestrians on the scene "broke and ran," Beck said. But he and the other driver who had stopped stayed to help.

That other man helped two adults -- the children's aunt and uncle -- out of the front of the car while Beck tried to open the back door to reach a crying girl and baby boy. "It was hot," he said. "I broke out the window and pulled the door open. By then, the ceiling was on fire in the car. You could hear the gas bubbling in the tank. The little girl says, 'I don't want to die like this.' I said: 'You won't die, baby. Grab my neck.'

He cut the baby loose from the seat with a pocketknife and picked him up. "I grabbed the girl on my hip," Beck said. "The baby was under my shirt. I was carrying him like a football."

As he ran, the car exploded, and the force knocked Beck and the children to the ground. The girl had a broken wrist -- from the accident, not the fall -- and the baby wasn't injured, Beck said. Beck had two pieces of glass in his arm from breaking open the window, but wasn't injured seriously.

His award brought Beck a check for $5,000, of which he and his wife, Stacie, contributed 10 percent to the chaplaincy, and a trophy. "I didn't know if I had what it took," he said. "The Lord tests you all the time. I'd have to look at those kids every day if I'd let them burn up."

Another reward Beck received was hearing Stacie say, "I married the right man," he said. "When they gave me that reward, and she was looking at me, that was the crowning moment in my life," he said.
excellent story and so truly defines most folks who carry knives. that compliment from his wife will be remembered long after the money is spent


Funeral March
1) Because I need it for work.

2) Because when I don't have one I will need it.

3) Because I can.

I don't need to explain my reasons to anyone really, its perfectly legal for me to carry and use a knife so I will do it... I'm exercising my freedom.

Besides that a knife can be used for hundreds of tasks. Its just handy to have.
Now when you buy stuff, it comes in those damn plastic clam pacs that you have to have a knife to get into it.

I work in the trades. There is wiring to strip, packages to open, tape to cut, and my apple to peel for my lunch.

What I would really like to say; It's none of your damn business what I carry.
I work in the trades. There is wiring to strip, packages to open, tape to cut, and my apple to peel for my lunch.

What I would really like to say; It's none of your damn business what I carry.

That's right! "Nunnyo bidness!" :grumpy:

Don G.: :D
I carry a knife because i NEED to,.....i'm a guy,......and guys like mechanical things that serve a purpose. Sometimes we collect,.....and knives are perfect for that too.

They come in all sizes and shapes, have different shaped blades for various chores around and outside the house and, well,.............just feel GOOD in my hands! Save for a boob or two, doesn't get much better than that..............:D

I get up in the morning and cut up the dog's meat before i mix it with the dry dogfood part. I get to work and open the day's shipments, cut the packaging tape when i'm boxing up a shipment,......and even cut up my danish or bagel with my morning coffee. I'll cut back the cuticles on my fingernails if i'm in the mood. This morning i cut off the cord watchband on a ladies watch so i could weigh the gold content of the case. The cutting pliers i tried to use were just not sharp enough. Years of breaking up stones in ring mounts had destroyed the plyer jaws for delicate work,.......the knife i carried slipped thru it in a second. :thumbup:

A lot of them are called "pocket" knives, which is one place to clip or store them. I've never heard of a "dresser drawer" knife, so mine follows me where i go,........... as long as i have pants on.

Sometimes i don't even have pants on. Two break-ins at my home in the last year may have caused me to be a "bit" more prepared than the average guy,........

..........because sometimes i even clip one to my tighty whities before retiring to bed. :cool: (Here's one instance where i'm REALLY putting my faith in the Spec Bump Speedsafe's engineering!) :rolleyes:

One thing i know,......if some low life decides to wake me up in my sleep with intent to do me or mine serious harm,......he's in for a world of hurt right thru the covers! :grumpy:

I carry a knife because last time i checked this IS the US of A,......and i shouldn't need a reason or explaination! Although it's a continuing fight ,.....in most places we still have that right,....although restricted in size & function as they are.

...........so i carry a knife because it's practical and handy to have one available at all times. The phrase "Every Day Carry" (EDC) would have no meaning if we only occassionally carried one!

..........and i'm not afraid to admit that it might even save my live someday if attacked. Not "planning" for it, mind you,......just "preparing" for the possibility.

Homeland Security didn't just appear out of nowhere,.......but sprung from the twin towers attack and a need was shown to prepare for the eventuality of our being attacked again. Ever wonder what might have happened if a few Americans had been carring a pocket knife or two on those planes?

Me too..............

BTW,......Abe Lincoln carried a pocket knife on a daily basis for most of his life. We could do worse than to follow his example.................
Blister packs are my usual reason if someone asks.

Here in Canada this question is of the utmost importance legally as our intent is what decides whether it is a crime or not.
Legally self defence is not an acceptable reason but if I am carrying my 10 inch bladed bowie for work in the bush and am attacked I can defend myself with it. I often carry a knife with other gear that matches the type of knife it is. For example I have a beautiful
Lambert Whar custom folder that I carry with a nice pen ,lighter and cell phone in a little case or my bowie with my bowhunting and outdoor gear. When I want a serious but low key weapon I put my CS spade in with my cold weather survival gear(jumper cables ,tow strap etc).

I my try to get a cultural and religious exemption as a Christian to carry a sword. Their is legal precedent with the supreme court of Canada allowing the Sikhs to carry a ceremonial knife and biblical precedent as well.

We have had a recent issue in canada with some biased judges, police and Prosecutors considering all folders that can be flicked open to be illegal auto knives. One man has even been charged and convicted for carrying a perfectly legal CRKT folder and many people have had folders stolen at the border by over zealous bureaucrats.

I carry a knife way more than I carry a cell phone.
"Why do I carry a knife?" "Because you obviously don't and are probably about to ask to borrow it.":cool: "Now go get your own." "Oh, you still want to borrow it, okay everybody can once." "Just once."
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