Got my 440V Native today

Jul 19, 1999
One word: Awesome! I ordered it from SFO online at the beginning of the week and finally got it today. The blade is really sharp. I'm bound to cut myself on it sooner or later. The blade lock is firm. No play whatsoever. Everything is just perfect.
The knife still has "USA Earth" on it. Funny. I'll be getting my plain blade 440V Native from MJ&S Knives pretty soon. Can't wait.
Nice to hear you like it. I have a plain edge coming from MJ&S. After I got my Military in 440v, that just about sold me on that steel in knives. Good stuff. I think this Native will be a winner.
Earlier this month I had money to spend so I bought a plain Military from MJ&S. Excellent piece of equipment. Liked it so much that I bought a serrated one also. I guess I'm hooked on the CPM-440V. When the plain Native arrives at my door step, it will the 3rd Native I own in 440V. One BF Native, serrated, and the plain. Geessh! These things are addictive.