guys im in need of somethin for my baby girl

Yikes! I hope she is fine and will recover fast. Best to you and yours Bill.
I was at the emergency room last month with my son, 4 wheeler incident. I think I got gray hairs from the experience. Hope all is well.
Sorry to hear this; smoke & prayers sent Bill. Keep us posted brotha & hang in there...
Sorry. I just now saw this thread. Terrible news man. But, keep your faith. Prayer is powerful. Can you give her name? I will add her to my prayer list. I agree that you need to keep talking to her. Somewhere, in her brain, she will hear you. Never stop. Never give up.
All the best to you man!
Her name is Danielle, She is on a ton of prayer lists and id appreciate it if you added her to yours!
Guys i got to come home tonight to try an get some sleep,Which will be hard to do but i have to my mind an body are numb feeling. i been up for 2 days straight,My wife stayed with her tonight,Damn what a women,She hasnt seen rest at all either, In the morning the nuro dr comes back in and gives us the news after a 3rd scan,hopefully its good as he talked awhile ago it being a compacted skull fracture,there is 3 seperate cracks, he may want to try to let it heal on its own as long as there are know blood or swelling in the morning.But there posibble chance of seizures down the road.That scares me.I will breif you all in the afternon to let you know what goes on.I hope for the best,I thank each and everyoneof you for your blessings.
I'm so sorry to hear of your ordeal. Please let us know how she's doing, only when you have a moment. Danielle, be strong, heal fast. More people than you know are thinking of you.
As a parent of two myself, Girl 10, boy 8. There is nothin worse that the feeling of not being able to help your kids when they are sick or hurt. I pray for your daughter, and you and your wife to ease your anxieties. hang in there.
Hang in there Bill, my thoughts are with you and your family. I know what it's like to sit helpless while a family member is suffering. This too shall pass! I wish you both the best and her a speedy and full recovery. You've got a lot of folks at your back!
Still praying for you guys and will continue to.
Heart breaking, I'm sorry
Mark 6:56 - And wherever he came, in villages, cities, or countryside, they laid the sick in the marketplaces and implored him that they might touch even the fringe of his garment. And as many as touched it were made well.

Through Jesus Christ all things are possible. I'm praying for God's healing of you baby girl, Bill. I also pray that you and your family find comfort, peace, and rest through this difficult time. Best Regards - Daniel