Handle Frame of Mind

Not sure what I'll do with the Frame Handle yet. What I do know is that I'm going to call it 'FH' from now on instead of typing it out!:D

Any opinions on a doing a Raffle? Throw in another knife? Other goods? I dont like the thought of selling tickets, but it might be fun. My problem with raffles is that you see guys raffle off a 200 dollar knife with 500 dollars worth of tickets!
I love raffles.
Not sure what I'll do with the Frame Handle yet. What I do know is that I'm going to call it 'FH' from now on instead of typing it out!:D

Any opinions on a doing a Raffle? Throw in another knife? Other goods? I dont like the thought of selling tickets, but it might be fun. My problem with raffles is that you see guys raffle off a 200 dollar knife with 500 dollars worth of tickets!
Again, that's what you think! :p

I wouldn't know what to do with such a knife. I suppose I could drool on it or pet it and call it "my precious".

I will be needing another Redmeadow in 2019 but something I can carry around Chicago without being accused of playing Mick Dundee. :D
I wouldn't know what to do with such a knife. I suppose I could drool on it or pet it and call it "my precious".

I will be needing another Redmeadow in 2019 but something I can carry around Chicago without being accused of playing Mick Dundee. :D
That's the great thing about living "where the forest meets the sea". I can carry damned near anything out here.
I like a raffle too but I'm with the Rupe on this particular knife.
Let the Phreak and the Sea Captain duel it out. Though it sounds like
Mr. Phreak is on first ;)

That's the great thing about living "where the forest meets the sea". I can carry damned near anything out here.

Legally I can carry anything as well. Illinois actually has good knife laws.

It's the masses lack of understanding when it comes to those laws that keeps me from carrying anything that might get folks riled up.
The size of this frame handle will probably be a bit of a fluke, the next ones planned will be smaller Vest type Bowies.