Hawks comin'?


Platinum Member
Feb 1, 2005
Is anyone else getting excited? CQC-T on the way, V-TAC @ vendor soon! Post pics when you get em'. :D
I wish I was as excited as I had been. Was told via email they no longer can take Amex and thats what I used for my order. :eek: Now I'm scrambling to free up enough space on my MC. :grumpy:

Hopefully it will all work out in the end.

Also if anyone from ATC is reading, Suzannes voicemail box is full so I could not leave a message. I did send another email however.
Well, I'm sorry to hear about your order difficulties. ;) I am sure this will all work out for those of us patient enough. I'm sure Andy and Suzanne are quite tired of my constant commentary on the status of orders and updating us on our Hawks. It's not that I am in desperate need of my orders immediately. Just that I'm excited and want to live the legend ;) :D . On Suzannes voicemail being full, I had the same situation not long ago. They got back to me promptly, after emailing and posting here. Good Luck.
Paid thru paypal. Now all I have to do is wait. It all worked out fine thanks to Suzanne. :thumbup: ;) I'll be posting pics etc when I get them.
Thanks, Eugene. Your payment came through clear and I've just sent your address over to shipping so I should have a tracking number shortly. Sorry for the hassle on leaving a message over the weekend. Whenever someone tries to fax the voice number the fax takes up a lot of space beeping in my ear and then all those companies that have a voice message call, LOL, those just loop and loop and loop and fill up the whole mailbox on one message.

Rest assured, I'm always here. At least it sure feels that way. :D

Suzanne Settle
Customer Service
American Tomahawk Company
877-557-5200 (Toll-Free)