How To Heat treat again?

Nov 24, 2023
I have a blade that I already heat treated (1084) and I use my mini forge made of firebrick and a propane torch.
It went non-magnetic for 2 normalizing cycles and quenching (in parks 50) on the third. Followed by two 2 hour temper cycles at 405F

I realized I forgot to add my Jimping and sharpening choil.
I was able to use a small triangle file to add the Jimping and a chainsaw file to add the choil. Too easily I think.

I’m concerned I did’t get the knife hard enough.
Can I I heat treat a second time? Any tips on how long to continue heating after the magnet no longer sticks?

Also how long should you cool down between normalizing cycles? I think I was black but still hot when starting up the next cycle
Hi TRussel76 and welcome to the forum,

I would love to be able to give you a definitive answer to your problem, but seeing as you yourself are not happy with the hardness something maybe wrong.

I am able to control the correct temperature in an oven so "non magnetic" is not a method that I am familiar with in the heat treatment process.

However, going back in time, I used to heat treat small tooling with in a forge and temper with an Oxy-Acetylene torch.
I was taught to use "phase transformation" as the indicator that the Pearlite matrix had transformed to Austenite and was ready to quench. The conversion to Austenite requires a fair bit of energy and this, under the right lighting conditions, transformation is visible as a sudden darkening of the steel colour even though still in the furnace, the "shadow" can be observed creeping through the steel if the furnace heating process is slow enough. This can stabilize the colour of the steel, for several seconds. When the steel starts to brighten again you can be sure that Austenite transformation is complete and the steel can be quenched.

Hopefully someone more familiar with forge heat treatment of 1084 may be able to give better advice.
Regarding your Normalization process,

If you have use the above method to observe the transformation on heating, a similar phenomenon can be observed on cooling where the cooling steel suddenly gets brighter as the transformation from austenite to pearlite liberates the energy previously absorbed, when the steel dulls again the transformation to pearlite is complete, this is all that is needed to normalize the steel, Moving backwards and forwards through these points several times can refine the grain and can be done quite quickly, in a few minutes.

Thank goodness I have an oven to save all that messing about.
Welcome to Shop Talk. Fill out your profile so we know a bit about you and where you live.

Yes, you can HT it again. With 1084 you don't need to do another normalizing, just austenitize and quench.

The problems may be in your steel or quenchant. Do you know for sure the steel is 1084? What quenchant and how much of it did you use? How big is the knife?

The next issue may be how hot the steel was. - When using a magnet, Larrin says - non-magnetic and quench immediately. T
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Stacy gets up earlier than I do so he beat me to the "one shade hotter than non-magnetic" for quenching. Your Parks 50 should be just fine for quenching -

After tempering at 400°F you'll be able to cut with a file ok. It's between quenching and tempering you shouldn't be able to cut much with a file. It should "skate" rather than "dig in" cutting the metal.
Welcome to Shop Talk. Fill out your profile so we know a bit about you and where you live.

Yes, you can HT it again. With 1084 you don't need to do another normalizing, just austenitize and quench.

The problems may be in your steel or quenchant. Do you know for sure the steel is 1084? What quenchant and how much of it did you use? How big is the knife?

The next issue may be how hot the steel was. - When using a magnet, the simple rule is non-magnetic and then a half-shade brighter. This means the steel needs to be about 50-75° hotter than it was when it turned non-magnetic. In a simple forge it is hard to judge this, but a little too hot is better than too cold.
Thank you!

I bought the 1084 from Pops knife supply and I am using parks 50 about 2 gallons the knife is about 9.25” total length.
I will have to watch the color closer, admittedly I may have rushed this batch and quenched pretty soon after the magnet didn’t stick.
Stacy gets up earlier than I do so he beat me to the "one shade hotter than non-magnetic" for quenching. Your Parks 50 should be just fine for quenching -

After tempering at 400°F you'll be able to cut with a file ok. It's between quenching and tempering you shouldn't be able to cut much with a file. It should "skate" rather than "dig in" cutting the metal.
Thank you, it did skate post quench pre temper, but I suppose to be safe I will HT again, and pay more attention to the shading.
Most likely you're good. Tempered at 400°F should give you around 60 Rc. The "typical" file is around 62 to 63 Rc so will cut the 60 Rc tempered blade just fine. Since the file skated pre-tempering it the blade was certainly over 62 Rc. Won't hurt at all to HT 'n quench again. This time take it to non-magnetic, then just a shade hotter and quench.

Remember to have your quench oil close by since the blade will cool a bit while moving from forge to oil. The blade should be at that "shade hotter then non-magnetic" when it actually hits the oil. How much it cools depends on thickness of blade and how far it has to travel from heat to oil. It might be worthwhile to practice with some scrap to see how much it cools as it's moving from forge to oil. It's good to have the oil close to the forge, not walking halfway across shop to reach oil. BUT, at same time remember safety to not allow a danger of forge catching the oil on fire.
Most likely you're good. Tempered at 400°F should give you around 60 Rc. The "typical" file is around 62 to 63 Rc so will cut the 60 Rc tempered blade just fine. Since the file skated pre-tempering it the blade was certainly over 62 Rc. Won't hurt at all to HT 'n quench again. This time take it to non-magnetic, then just a shade hotter and quench.

Remember to have your quench oil close by since the blade will cool a bit while moving from forge to oil. The blade should be at that "shade hotter than non-magnetic" when it actually hits the oil. How much it cools depends on thickness of blade and how far it has to travel from heat to oil. It might be worthwhile to practice with some scrap to see how much it cools as it's moving from forge to oil. It's good to have the oil close to the forge, not walking halfway across shop to reach oil. BUT, at same time remember safety to not allow a danger of forge catching the oil on fire.
Thank you!

I keep my oil about 1 step away so I think I get it there quick enough and just far enough to be safe. But I will continue to practice!

Thank you for the advice!
You should when going from a pearlitic, or martensitic microstructure (air cooled, or quenched). Be able to heat to nonmagnetic, and no hotter, and fully harden your blade.
I feel like Larrin Larrin showed pretty thoroughly. Heating to nonmagnetic and no hotter, pretty well works for just about any of these steels.

If i recall, even 52100, and others that many people say need a soak, were able to to be fully hardened by going to non-magnetic and no hotter.

Obviously, a kiln is going to be more ideal, and you can probably get slightly better results using a kiln, and a fast det anneal for most of these steels.

But if i wasn't using a kiln, i would just stick to larrins recommendations in that article to a T basically. Especially in a steel like 1084, where there isn't much keeping the cementite from dissolving, and grain growth to start happening if the temp gets too high.
But the important thing I found to be able to go to nonmagnetic to quench you need a very fine microstructure, pearlite from normalized was best. That’s why my recommended procedure was to cycle with a final normalizing step and then heat to nonmagnetic and quench. The most common issue with forge heat treating is overheating so this method helps with that problem. With a simple steel like 1084 where the carbides all dissolve at low temperatures it can be difficult not to overheat even when you are shooting for nonmagnetic. So the “shade hotter” method is too problematic from my view hence why I worked on an alternate method with less guess work.
But the important thing I found to be able to go to nonmagnetic to quench you need a very fine microstructure, pearlite from normalized was best. That’s why my recommended procedure was to cycle with a final normalizing step and then heat to nonmagnetic and quench. The most common issue with forge heat treating is overheating so this method helps with that problem. With a simple steel like 1084 where the carbides all dissolve at low temperatures it can be difficult not to overheat even when you are shooting for nonmagnetic. So the “shade hotter” method is too problematic from my view hence why I worked on an alternate method with less guess work.
Thank you Larrin Larrin ,

Do you have a link to your process for forge heating?
Also I think I’ll gift myself your first book for Xmas 😉
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Thank you Larrin Larrin ,

Do you have a link to your process for forge heating?
Also I think I’ll gift myself your first book for Xmas 😉
Thanks Larrin. I really appreciate your input here. Your book has been a game changer for many bladesmiths. I have edited my previous posts and this one.

My method of "one shade hotter" has been updated due to Dr. Thomas' research. I now do not recommend heating beyond non-magnetic.

In teaching new smiths how to HT in a forge, I find that they do one or more of these things:
They tend to pull the blade too soon when it is unevenly heated.
They greatly overheat the blade when judging the color by eye.
They only get the edge hot enough and by the time the blade gets to the quench it has dropped below critical.

Often these "lessons" are done over the internet and here in Shop Talk. This makes it impossible to physically show them what it should look like as you would in a hands-on session. Normalizing is pretty simple to teach online because temperatures can vary and a bit too high isn't disaster. Hardening is a bit harder when close temperature control is needed.
When using a magnet as the guide to when a blade has reached the transformation point while rising in temperature. The main point I try to instill is that the blade must be EVENLY heated so all the blade is the same color as it transitions from pearlite/ferrite/martensite to austenite.
When using a HT oven, I use the charts in your book now. I used to use the ASM Heat Treaters Guide and used the minimum temperature listed. Your figures are far better for knife blades.
When advising people with a HT oven I usually recommend getting the pre-hardening condition right first and then using the lowest temperature needed for full austenitization.

How to use a magnet when doing a forge HT:
The magnet I use is a square welding magnet that I stick on the bottom or side of the forge near the port.
Let the forge fully soak the refractory for a good 15 minutes. This time is often used to forge some small blades or such. No need to waste time and propane!
Once the forge is evenly soaked, turn the forge down as low as it will go and hold a stable flame. In most forges this is still too hot for HT, but it is as low as it will go. Let it run at this temperature for five minutes or so while you get the quench oil tank in position about 2 feet away from the forge and to the right or left. I usually recommend "smithy" temperature (50-100°) Parks 50 as the quenchant.
Well before the HT session, I like to coat the blade with either a coat of Turco II or a slip wash of Satanite. I am sure ATP, Condursal, Brownell's, or NewClayer is just as good. Allowing the coating to fully dry on its own is also a key to success. (I won't go into the reasoning for the coating here.)
As you heat the blade, turn it over and over, move from side to side in the forge, shove it in and out, and try to heat the spine more than the edge to allow the heat to run to the edge. If a spot gets brighter color than the rest, move that part of the blade to a cooler area in the forge.
As it gets an even dull red color, start checking the magnetic state. Pull the blade out and drag it across the magnet from ricasso to tip and right back in the forge. If it is still magnetic the feel is a resistance from pulling to the magnet. As it hits the right shade of red (far less bright-red than most folks realize!), it suddenly stops being attracted to the magnet and just slides across it smoothly. Immediately quench when it reaches non-magnetic. Hold it in the quench while pumping it up and down for at least 10 seconds before pulling it out. If it is a large blade and still smoking a lot, leave it under the oil until the smoke has stopped.
(once out of the oil you have a short window to check for warps/twist and correct them before the martensite starts to form at 400°)

Side note - if your quench is smoking or flaming it is probably not the blade causing it - it is that you are getting the tongs too hot. After forging, straightening, and then doing normalization, the tongs can get pretty hot. Switch to fresh cool tongs before starting the HT. Lots of smoke or a puff of flame, à la FIF, is a sign that something is WAY too hot. From HT temps around 1500° the blade drops to 800-900° in a second or two, so it is almost surely the hot tongs above the oil igniting the oil vapors.
A quench tank that is not deep enough or large enough is the other cause. The tank should be at least 12" deeper than the blade is long. A minimum for small blades is 2 gallons of oil. For big or long blades, 5 gallons is usually needed.
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Thanks Larrin. I really appreciate your input here. Your book has been a game changer for many bladesmiths.

In teaching new smiths how to HT in a forge, I find that they do one or more of these things:
They tend to pull the blade too soon when it is unevenly heated.
They greatly overheat the blade when judging the color by eye.
They only get the edge hot enough and by the time the blade gets to the quench it has dropped below critical.
They pull the blade out of the forge and check a couple times with a magnet, then quench. By the time they check a couple times the blade has dropped as much as 50°.

Often these "lessons" are done over the internet and here in Shop Talk. This makes it impossible to physically show them what it should look like as you would in a hands-on session. Normalizing is pretty simple to teach online because temperatures can vary and a bit too high isn't disaster. Hardening is a bit harder when close temperature control is needed.

I teach using a magnet as the guide to when a blade has reached the transformation point while rising in temperature. The main point I try to instill is that the blade must be EVENLY heated so all the blade is the same color as it transitions from pearlite/ferrite/martensite to austenite. My method of "one shade hotter" is a way to let it even out just a tad more before the quench. The majority of new makers who have contacted me with low hardness HT results had success with allowing for a little more time and temperature.
When using a HT oven, I use the charts in your book now. I used to use the ASM Heat Treaters Guide and used the minimum temperature listed. Your figures are far better for knife blades.
When advising people with a HT oven I usually recommend getting the pre-hardening condition right first and then using the lowest temperature needed for full austenitization.

Here's how I use a magnet when doing a forge HT:
The magnet I use is a square welding magnet that I stick on the bottom or side of the forge near the port.
I let the forge fully soak the refractory for a good 15 minutes. This time is often used to forge some small blades or such. No need to waste time and propane!
Once the forge is evenly soaked, I turn the forge down as low as it will go and hold a stable flame. In most forges this is still too hot for HT, but it is as low as it will go. I let it run at this temperature for five minutes or so while I get the quench oil tank in position about 2 feet away from the forge and to the right or left. I usually recommend "smithy" temperature (50-100°) Parks 50 as the quenchant.
Well before the HT session, I like to coat the blade with either a coat of Turco II or a slip wash of Satanite. I am sure ATP, Condursal, Brownell's, or NewClayer is just as good. Allowing the coating to fully dry on its own is also a key to success. (I won't go into the reasoning for the coating here.)
As I heat the blade, I turn it over and over, move from side to side in the forge, shove it in and out, and try to heat the spine more than the edge to allow the heat to run to the edge. If a spot gets brighter color than the rest, I move that part of the blade to a cooler area in the forge.
As it gets an even dull red color, I start checking the magnetic state. I pull the blade out and drag it across the magnet from ricasso to tip and right back in the forge. If it is still magnetic the feel is a resistance from pulling to the magnet. As it hits the right shade of red (far less bright-red than most folks realize!), it suddenly stops being attracted to the magnet and just slides across it smoothly. I put it back in the forge for a few more seconds, rolling it around a few times, and then quench. I hold it in the quench while pumping it up and down for at least 10 seconds before pulling it out. If it is a large blade and still smoking a lot, I leave it under the oil until the smoke has stopped.
(once out of the oil you have a short window to check for warps/twist and correct them before the martensite starts to form at 400°)

Side note - if your quench is smoking or flaming it is probably not the blade causing it - it is that you are getting the tongs too hot. After forging, straightening, and then doing normalization, the tongs can get pretty hot. Switch to fresh cool tongs before starting the HT. Lots of smoke or a puff of flame, à la FIF, is a sign that something is WAY too hot. From HT temps around 1500° the blade drops to 800-900° in a second or two, so it is almost surely the hot tongs above the oil igniting the oil vapors.
A quench tank that is not deep enough or large enough is the other cause. The tank should be at least 12" deeper than the blade is long. A minimum for small blades is 2 gallons of oil. For big or long blades, 5 gallons is usually needed.
Very thorough Stacy, Thank you!
I will add a couple more examples of how heat treating by eye is not a good way of doing it.

Metallurgist and knifemaker Juha Pertulla compared forge heat treatments of C75 (1075) and 80CrV2. He found that 1075 heated in the forge for only one second after nonmagnetic was enough to see some grain growth. When he heated for four seconds after nonmagnetic to "one shade brighter" he already saw a significant increase in grain size and a reduction in toughness. You can read more here:
Because of this he found 80CrV2 with its vanadium addition restricting grain growth to be better for forge heat treating. However, when heat treating with a furnace either can be heat treated easily.

Second example: when I did my forge heat treating video I wanted a test of my method so I sent some 1084 that I cycled to a "YouTube" knifemaker and asked him to quench from nonmagnetic. I tested the steel and the toughness was relatively poor and showed a coarse fracture grain. I asked him the procedure he used and he said that he frequently checked the steel with a magnet, but waned to reheat it to the color it was prior to the small amount of cooling outside of the furnace (likely not necessary). His reheating was enough to overheat the steel prior to quenching, even though he did not attempt to heat the steel to a brighter shade.

This is to illustrate that heating to "one shade brighter" is not a reliable method and forge heat treating is much less reliable than furnace heat treating, but using "nonmagnetic" and a pearlite structure helps with consistency, as does using a steel that has carbide pinning to restrict grain growth.
Thank you, Larrin. I will change my heating advice from now on. I edited the previous posts.

Any thoughts on forge HT for higher carbon steels like 1095, W2, Hitachi White/Blue, 26C3, etc.
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