HEST/Folder Delivery Answer Thread!

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Oct 17, 2009
After some thought I felt this really need to be posted as it's own thread. You will also see it posted in another thread as a reply.

You know I can't believe the amount of whining, pouting, crying, and bitching that's gone on by some of the BF members about the unexpected delays on the HEST folders. If a folding pocket knife that is that detrimental to you then you need to check the priorities in your life. I know some of you don't understand anything about how the business world functions so I'm going to help you out. There are ALWAYS unexpected delays of newly launched products onto the market due to numerous factors, many are usually out of the companies hands. I've seen over and over people bitching about every aspect of every single knife, the LE, the Sterile, the Production versions. About why the Sterile version blade has so much shine to the blade, can we change the placement of some of the RYP logos on the LE version, why can't I get the production version in 1095?!?! These are all real questions jack-offs bitched about at one time or another, just think of how many other stupid ass shit people bitched about that I didn't mention. IT'S AN F-ING FOLDING KNIFE PEOPLE, NOT INSULIN MEDICATION FOR YOUR DIABETES!!!!!!!! Trust me I'm not close to being the only person on here at their limit of hearing all of you complain over and over about how you paid and why you don't have your knife!!! You will get it as soon as they can get it to you. Do you really think Robert likes getting up every morning and answering your emails and posts about when your damn blade is coming in?!?!?!?!?!?! Trust me, no one wants it out on the market and in the stores sooner than he does! Here's one big secret that I'm going to give all of your crybabies that will help your blades get here sooner, STOP EMAILING AND POSTING QUESTIONS THAT ROBERT AND HIS STAFF HAVE TO ANSWER ABOUT YOUR DAMN REDUNDANT QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you not realize that he and his staff have to take time out of their day to answer you when they might be able to spend that time on making calls on getting your emergency solved. Stop asking him for a damn date, it will get here soon enough so you can go play mall ninja with all your other friends, buy the newest fad color in urban camo, and pretend like your all operators on the hunt for "wild beaver".:jerkit: All of us know who you are, trust me, and if you think you flew under the radar with your comments YOU DIDN'T! SO GROW UP, SHUT UP, AND LEAVE PELTON ALONE, YOU'LL GET YOUR KNIVES IN DUE COURSE.

*UDT-SEAL / You know I've worked with and trained with quite a few SEAL's in the Corps. I have NEVER known one to bitch to someone about a "threat" from ANYONE! Now me, I know I'm a real United States Marine, the most elite fighting force to ever walk the face of the earth. I really have my doubts about you, but I'd love to see you prove me wrong.
Well I do get regular insulin for my Type1 diabetes and I do bitch if my order gets fucked up! Even though I have a few tricks to keep myself from dying! I have avoided most of the shit talk around here, I ordered and paid for my LE and am in line for a production too and never felt I wouldn't get my blade. Have some patience people haven't you ever waited for anything? Calm down everyone it will get here don't sweat it.

I suppose I shouldn't drink and post but the dumb fucking comments I have read brought the worst out.

This was just the thread I decided to rant in. Always like to here about insulin and PWD.
I think that some of the people are just afraid of being swindled and having been taken for a ride.
Where is my HEST folder? That's what this thread is about right? I didn't feel like reading it. So where is my knife? :p;)
After some thought I felt this really need to be posted as it's own thread. You will also see it posted in another thread as a reply.

You know I can't believe the amount of whining, pouting, crying, and bitching that's gone on by some of the BF members about the unexpected delays on the HEST folders. ~~~ Excellent words deleted to save space~~~~All of us know who you are, trust me, and if you think you flew under the radar with your comments YOU DIDN'T! SO GROW UP, SHUT UP, AND LEAVE PELTON ALONE, YOU'LL GET YOUR KNIVES IN DUE COURSE.

*UDT-SEAL / ~~ I really have my doubts about you, but I'd love to see you prove me wrong.
As I said in the other thread.. I like the way you "communicate". :thumbup:
Well said 333rm, you probably have posted the thoughts of 98% of all the members who have been following this since the beginning . .
patience, patience, patience . . .:thumbup:
Be safe.
I agree. We'll all get our knives eventually, and they'll be spot on. So why worry and bitch now? When they get here, i'll be ecstatic. Until they get here, I'll be content in know that I have one coming. Maybe I'll even pull the trigger on the esee 4 I have bookmarked.

Well said. I personally never pre-order anything because I understand that things happen. If I was a moderator I would lock all talk of this. But thats just me. Alot of you people just need to STFU, drink you some water and drive on. Period
I have to agree, It is unfortunate that there has been a delay.. On the other hand, the knives are coming from ITALY... I think that when WE all get OUR HEST/F's WE will be impressed.. I for one, would rather have them take their time and get it all ironed out rather than rush and send an inferior product. As long as the updates keep coming I'm fine.
I am content to know I will be getting the knives I ordered soon and that is good enough for me. I spent a lot of my life waiting for more important things.
333rm, LMK if you ever get to Vegas. i'm buying the first round. :D

Will do bro! I used to go 2 times a year for work but that stopped with the economic slide. I might just have to take a trip sometime soon!:D
...So where is the delivery time answer?...

Last word was they are leaving Italy the week of the 24th, which is this week. I'm not sure what "they" are though..the LE, standard, or all.
Thank you for verbalizing the feelings a lot of us share. It is appreciated. For my part, I do regret any contribution my "mistakenly thinking mine was in the mail" may have made to all this fuss. But now, for a far more serious matter, what IS the newest fad color in urban camo? :eek:
I think it's funny that it is now a bad thing for people to want updates on something that they paid over $250 for and is overdue...it's not the end of the world for me by any means, but yeah I'd like my knife too...

And what is the point of this thread?
Thank you for verbalizing the feelings a lot of us share. It is appreciated. For my part, I do regret any contribution my "mistakenly thinking mine was in the mail" may have made to all this fuss.
+1 .....Your good man, yours was an honest mistake and you owned it. :thumbup: .. :)
So, uh, where's my HEST/F?

Sorry. Had to!

Back on topic, well said, OP. Well said. I didn't even pre-order a HEST/F and likely won't for a while, but I do follow the posts on this board closely, especially since my friend ordered one and is dying to get it in his hands; it's his first high quality knife.
Is this where I complain about my Randalls? I have 6 on order. The first one is right around the corner--scheduled to ship in mid-2013 already!!! The last 2 years have flown by.

I wanted to get a Ray Mears Woodlore knife but it's got a 10 year delivery time frame after placing the order. I draw the line at anything over 8 years of wait time for knife :)

In other words, ladies, all your whining over a wait time of a month or two doesn't impress me.

Now, back to your knitting or your Sex and the City marathon or whatever it is you do when you're not whining.
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