Hostile Soup

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Gold Member
Dec 22, 2007
18,703 it's not so hostile...hell I even forgot the chillies last trip to the store and had to just settle for a little creole seasoning, and you know...I'm still a little ticked at there no longer being a Tabasco green sauce, but that's beside the point.... never the less it is still soup, and pretty good if I do say so myself.

I wanted to try the HEST out at food prep. It has been known for years that soups are among the healthiest meals we can eat, and it has been known for centuries that soup is a great way to stretch out meager portions and feed more mouths..or fewer mouths for a longer period of time. You can hunt down and gather many of the ingredients over a period of time and store them in cool dark places till the time to cook them. For many reasons soup, even though requiring more fuel to prepare than some meals, is often a great way to address food issues in a survival situation.

The HEST accounted itself well in the soup prep, I only took a few pictures and I think they explain themselves pretty well.












Now... here at home in my kitchen where I have a stove with multiple eyes and several pots to work with it was a matter marinading and browning the meat, sauteing the shallots and garlic, simmering some herbs in some beef broth then combining it all into one big pot with some more vegetables and simmering for a few hours and it looks like this....



It gets a little more interesting when your kitchen looks more like this....



There will be more on that in Part-II of the urban series when I have time to get to it.

Wow, I have a good job and I still don't eat that good. I love these urban survival threads Mistwalker keep 'em comming.
I love it all except those mushrooms,enjoy!I love me some home made soups & stews
minus mushrooms.
I'll second that, I enjoy the urban survival threads..

The Hostile Enviroment Soup Tool is pretty versatile:thumbup:
No offense, mistwalker, but judging only by most of the pics in your posts I've seen; is it a safe guess you enjoy food? :D
I like the way you cooked it. I think I will make something like that now. Would be a way to get my mom to cook over a fire more often, I'd hope. Thanks :thumbup:
Now I'm hungry for some soup...Great pics! Just to let you know Tabasco still sells the green on their website, I'm a pepper freak.:D
Looks good except the mushrooms. I actually love the mushrooms but prefer them fresh instead of cooked. I like your threads and pictures Mistwalker, keep up the good work! I think I need to find some food to prep now.
Thanks guys, glad you like the posts!

Yes actually I do like food, I love to cook it more than eat it but I eat my share.

My daughter went through a vegetarian phase, along with a friend of mine. Then I just picked the meat out of hers as I served it...and put it in my bowl :D , I'm a dedicated omnivore!
Oh Man!! Now I'm hungry!! :D

Thanks, I've been eating and sipping on it off and on since I came in this's pretty darn good. Would have been better with a few roasted chillies or some dried New Mexico peppers but never the less it's pretty good.
I keep looking at my crock pot and wanting to make a soup. But now I want to make one like that. I love using non kitchen knives to prep food. It's just a good feeling IMO.
I keep looking at my crock pot and wanting to make a soup. But now I want to make one like that. I love using non kitchen knives to prep food. It's just a good feeling IMO.

Man, I love my crock pot, I'm gonna be making a roast in mine soon. I love that i can prep the stuff at night, throw it all in the crock in the morning and then in the evening come in out of the cold to the smell of slow cooked soup or roast.

Me too, I get them because I like them...soooo... since I like them so much I want to use them every chance I is as good an excuse as any :D
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