How do I know if I got a legit s30v griptillian as opposed to a knock off

What makes you worry about it being a knock off?
Where did you get it?
Can you post pictures of the knife?

Sometimes there are tell tale signs that are easy to spot, sometimes it's more subtle and more difficult.
Things like this have been discussed multiple times.
Browse the Benchmade forum where you posted this question and you might find some information there as well.
When I buy from a third-party, I already am budgeting in sending the knife for Benchmade's lifesharp warranty. They will only sharpen knives that are authentic.
I've done this for both my Crooked River and my Mini Grip. *sigh of relief* they got returned sharped and decent maintenance.

Tbf, I did a lot of research on pictures and youtube videos of fakes and clones to see what those look like, and have made a list of things to check for. I hope you get good news with yours!