Photos How do i post photos

You need a pic hosting site. Imgur is good. Add your pics there. Once added, click your pic and select the URL for "forums and bulletin boards". Then paste that link in your post.
You need a pic hosting site. Imgur is good. Add your pics there. Once added, click your pic and select the URL for "forums and bulletin boards". Then paste that link in your post.
Thanks but isn't there a way I can just access my gallery on my phone and pull them from there? I don't know about anything you just said.
Its apparently not available on a android phone like I am using.
Are there 3 lines to the left of the BF logo? If so, that should be a drop down menu and Paid Subscriptions is at the bottom of the list. That's how it looks on my iPhone and Kindle if I hold them vertically (portrait). If I hold them landscape, then the headings appear across the screen like in my screenshot, with arrows at each end to scroll.
Are there 3 lines to the left of the BF logo? If so, that should be a drop down menu and Paid Subscriptions is at the bottom of the list. That's how it looks on my iPhone and Kindle if I hold them vertically (portrait). If I hold them landscape, then the headings appear across the screen like in my screenshot, with arrows at each end to scroll.

Same set up on my Android.
Still won't let me post pics even though I paid for gold membership. I keep getting the "Opps,we ran into problems" message.
They may be too large. Previously the limit was was increased after the site update to something like 2M, but may want to check Spark's "Important Info!" thread, since you're on a phone.