I got my Allen Blade knife

Sep 23, 1999
Click here to see my thread in GB&U. I hope that this is a sign of Allen getting back on track. The time about 2 months after me/my girlfriend ordering my knife, and up until about a month ago, I can only descrobe as shenanigans. But this last month I was given regular updates without prompting, I was sent a pci of my knife and the knife got here is time as said. It is a cool knife too!

Perhaps the best thing is I got that custom feeling now. Nothing beats a knife made with your input! Well, there are some things that beat a custom knife, but I can only mention those in Whine and Cheese :)
Congratulations. I am sure glad to see that you got your knife. Allen seems to be on the road to respectability. I sure hope he doesn't lose his way.