ID Wallet Question


Gold Member
Jul 27, 2007
Looking to purchase the ID Wallet, but wanted to know if those who have one carry them in their back pocket. I don't want or like to carry my wallet in my front pockets. Does this wallet work & feel just as good in back pocket. I mostly wear jeans.
Thanks for your help.
I have the ID wallet and it is compact enough to carry in any pocket comfortably. I don't know if putting it in the back pocket would be wise as the cards would be subject to a lot of stress from sitting on the wallet.
I used mine in my back pocket for a year, with no issues. I now prefer to carry in my front pocket, however.
I just got one last week and have been carrying it in my back pocket. I like it because I no longer have to take my wallet out of my pocket when I get in the car. Just one less thing to grab when I get out. I'm a fat tri-fold wallet convert, and so far I'm liking it. It has kept me from putting extra stuff in my wallet that gets forgotten about and left.
I've had mine in my back pocket for 3 years. No broken cards, nothing to complain about. I agree with the above; its compact size is a blessing as you can't really put more than 6-8 cards in there. I keep my cash up front with a money clip anyway.